February 25, 2021
25 min
High school student Yuri Honjou finds herself lost in an “abnormal space” where countless skyscrapers are connected by suspension bridges and “masked figures” mercilessly slaughter their confused and fleeing victims. To survive in this hellish world, she has two choices: kill the masked figures or be killed. Yuri is determined to survive in order to destroy this irrational world, but what will be her ultimate fate?
(Source: Netflix)
Sniper Kamen
Yuuichirou Umehara
Mayuko Nise
Shiki Aoki
Yuri Honjou
Haruka Shiraishi
Rika Honjou
Junya Enoki
Kuon Shinzaki
Akira Sekine
Yayoi Kusakabe
Youko Hikasa
Chika Anzai
Dealer Kamen
Shizuka Itou
White Feather Kamen
Asami Seto
Rikuya Yoshida
Shouya Chiba
Dai Tenshi
Kaito Ishikawa
Mamoru Aikawa
Jun Fukuyama
Megumi Saito
Nozomi Furuki
Uzuki Kusakabe
Asami Seto
Kazuma Aohara
Kouji Yusa
Chuugoku Kamen
Chisato Mori
Shinji Okihara
Megumi Ogata
Sachio Tanabe
Seirou Ogino
Yakyuu Kamen
Hidenori Takahashi
Kaho Sakurada
Rider Kamen
Tetsu Inada
Swimmer Kamen
Afro Kamen
Ryousuke Takahashi
Kenta Zaima

Not available on crunchyroll

40/100A bad adaptation for readers and an average action show for the others.Continue on AniListDisclaimer: I want to start this review with a bit of explanations. To begin with, I haven't really writen any reviews in my life before and my writing skills are limited so my ideas may be disordered. Furthermore, My main language isn't English so my vocabulary may seem poor and I could misexplain my opinon. Anyway, this review concerns mostly people who read the manga and wonder what the show looks like and people, on the other hand, who wonder how the manga is and compare both. Obvisouly, this review contains spoilers but I try to stay vague.
Comparisons between the manga and the show
Even if this section is dedicated to the comparisons, I'm going to compare both the manga and anime later when I talk more about the details.
As a reader, I must say the horror and the mystery aspects are totally lost in this adaptation. The manga itself turns early into action with super power fights and all this stuff but it starts building its universe and its characters slowly. To illustrate it, learn that the end of the sixth episode is the middle of the seventh volume. The pace of the second part of the anime is way slower so I let you imagine how less the creators of the show care about the thrill. So, if you read the manga and want to rediscover it through the anime, be aware they chose to make an action show before all.
Comparison between anime and manga at a random moment. Pictures are from episode 6 and chapter 88 so you can find more context.
An average show
Everything is average, from animation to direction including art. However, it is neihter ugly nor particularly bad and it is actually not so bad of an action show.
To begin with, the charadesign is banal. It is not a bad thing in itself and to be fair it looks fairly like the manga so nothing I may complain about. The artistric direction, especially the decor, is a bit sober which is normal according the universe (skyscraper rooftops).
However, what annoys me is the colorimetry who is always bright and shiny. The staff put most their efforts into action as I said and this color palette really doesn't help to transcribe the horror.
Regarding mystery, the pace during the first half quite erase it. The rules are delivered drop by drop but so fast you can't wonder what's happening.At first glance, this show is the regular one you probably won't give a try because it looks too average and it is. I didn't enjoy to rediscover the first part of the manga through the show because they chose to neglect it. Because of that, I couldn't feel the empathy I had towards the characters while reading, especially the moment the heroine finally gets the power up she deserves after she's struggled for days and then the manga goes action.
On the other hand, I must say that even if the anime looks like an average action show, the manga isn't deeper but is more intense. I personally quite enjoyed the last third of the show. The action scenes are quite good even if you can expect better regarding what's done nowadays. Many shows can't match a quarter of Tenkuu Shinpan qualities, especially for its 3DCG. There are several good directing ideas and cool FX but there are also many cheap animation trick times. To be fair, I think someone who didn't read the manga could really enjoy the anime for what it is.
So, yeah... now I'm talking to the readers. Despise its lacks relative to the manga, not everything is a complete throwaway. Don't watch if you like Tenkuu Shenpan for its atmosphere. However, if you like Pantsuu Shinpan for its action give it a try, you may appreciate it more than I did.
As a reader, I can't give the show the average note because it doesn't match my expectations for much it adapts. However, if the show goes on and keeps up its action qualities (or becomes better, of course) I may raise my note to the average because I liked the action scenes and the show is far from its full potential where it stops.
0/100i'd give this show 1/5 stars, but it doesn't even deserve that.Continue on AniListwarnings for this review: contains mentions of suicide, incest, sexualization of minors, rape/sexual assault
in all honesty, this might be one of the worst, if not, the worst, anime i have ever watched. i couldn’t even get past episode three, and even that was pushing it. i swear, i have never hated a show this much. usually i’m big on “suspension of disbelief” and just enjoying something; sometimes something is so bad, it’s good. this isn’t one of those shows.
the series opens with yuri, the main character, waking up in a strange realm, instantly facing life-or-death scenarios, which she is - as any normal person would be - sorely unprepared for. “masks,” people being controlled by an unknown person/organization, in an unknown place, must obey every command given to them, which usually includes eliminating all non-masks.
i must admit, the concept is interesting, and one of the things that initially drew me to begin watching (that, and i saw the sniper mask all over my twitter timeline. that man is so attractive). but the way that absolutely everything else about the series was executed is beyond awful, and i could hardly sit through it. almost every single scene had something that somehow managed to give me worse and worse secondhand embarrassment every time… and that’s coming me, arguably the most embarrassing person i know :/
i watched the first two episodes before beginning writing this, but once i got to episode three i decided this show was too outlandishly awul not to write a review about. so my details about the first two episodes might be a bit off; i apologize. i decided to drop high rise invasion after finishing episode three.
i’m not even going to begin with how inconsistent yuri’s character is, especially towards the start of the anime, though i will say, it was aggravating how weak yet ~strong~ she was, especially during the first two episodes. her confidence flipped on and off like a switch, and once it was on, it didn’t falter whatsoever. this is entirely unrealistic and is just… not the way humans operate.
other than that, the first thing i noticed was the main character’s “i love onii-chan!” complex, which is, in my opinion, one of the worst and most disgusting tropes in existence. the way that yuri and rika’s (her brother) relationship is portrayed is so similar to that of a romantic relationship that it made me sick to my stomach. yuri obsesses over rika to a concerning extent, practically flirting with him and consistently blushing every time they speak on the phone. not to mention a scene in the beginning of episode three where she basically creams her panties when he answers her call.
...which brings me to my next point: the shameless sexualization of the sixteen-year-old children that are the main characters. yuri in particular is so over-sexualized, given multiple panty-shots per episode, and - somehow, some way - her chest always, without exception ends up COMPLETELY out for the word to see. the first time this happens, she’s practically raped, which is terrifying and sickening, though something about the way it was animated bugs me. rather than focusing on the psychological and traumatizing aspects of this act, the focus seems to be on yuri’s moaning in fear (????) and on the slow, teasing removal of her clothes. very very few times is there a shot of the man traumatizing her, nor is this incident ever brought up again once she manages to escape it. this scene in particular bothers me, probably more than any of the other ones, though the other incidents of sexualization are all incredibly repulsive and wholly UNNECESSARY. there is, in few cases, reason that some of these elements could be incorporated into a polt; for instance, to make a symbolic point, or because it is part of a character’s trauma. but there is a way to and not to portray scenes like this; it must be done with sensitivity, rather than with a complete lack of tact and morality. high rise invasion completely misses the mark here, especially since this incident is never mentioned again, almost as if it never happened - almost as if its only purpose was to give the audience a glimpse at the sexualization (of children) to come.
there’s also the issue of extreme queerbaiting (though that’s probably an inaccurate term; it’s more of the shameless sexualization of wlw, who are also CHILDREN. might i repeat myself. sixteen years old). yuri’s name really does deliver on its promise. both herself and nise (introduced at the end of ep 1 or during ep 2, i believe? could be wrong) are very oversexualized; i’ve already talked about yuri, though. nise also often shown with a ripped shirt, her chest out, and she has a few panty shots as well, but definitely less than yuri. in episode three, there was a “misunderstanding” regarding a sexual innuendo alongside unnecessary and strangely timed physical affection (a tight hug while nise’s shirt is ripped open), and the two are both blushing, nise visibly being the most flustered. and of course, right after this, there’s a scene where yuri is washing herself on a rooftop, completely naked in front of nise. completely. naked. there is a lot of other dialogue that hints at potential “attraction” between the two, but i really don’t want to make myself relive a single part of the shitshow that was the first three episodes of this series.
not to mention the complete lack of a warning the audience was given that suicide would be a central feature of the show. there are multiple suicides per episode, and netflix leaves no warning regarding this. not unexpected of them, considering they have a history of doing things like this (ex. 13 reasons why), but it’s still disappointing.
now on to a lesser, more lighthearted criticism. it was more important that i got the most concerning things out of the way first. it’s incredibly frustrating to me that a series this shitty is so well-received; i haven’t seen any real criticism of it, other than people saying that the content outside of the fight scenes was hardly watchable. in my opinion, not even the fight scenes were watchable; the animation was bland, there wasn’t much movement depicted, and the pacing was strange, moving either too quickly or slowly.
the way new information is revealed is so slow and painful, and there’s virtually no impact considering the way it’s delivered. rather than being something viewers figure out slowly, it’s just told to them, without hesitation. the only question you’re left with at times is “huh?” - not even “oh, why is that?” ...rather than feeling genuine curiosity about what’s to come, i just kept rolling my eyes every time new information was revealed. it all felt so irrelevant, especially considering how a lot of other plot points were treated.
the concept for this show is a solid 8.5/10 but its execution was maybe a 1/10, on a good day. i absolutely do not recommend this show, even if you’re looking for mindless entertainment, which is why i attempted to keep watching it… i just ended up thinking about how awful it was instead.
41/100A decent anime, not likable characters but the plot is very interestingContinue on AniListContains: Suicide, sexual assault, gore, violence
Episodes: 12
Where to watch: Netflix (sub and dub)
People from the real world are brought to a new world where people wearing masks hunt them down. These masked people (soon known as angels) are given commands to pressure people into comiting suicide, if they refuse they die a horrible and gruesome death. These masked people cannot communicate and are usually killed if their masks become broken or damaged. The protagonist named Yuri is suddenly brought to this world, finding that her brother Rika is also here. Yuri finds that she is able to kill these masked individuals and her goal is to escape this world and take her companions in a helicopter that supposedly rescues them. However the rule is that only one individual can enter this. Yuri runs into Mayuko and develop a friendship after their challenging fight with sniper mask. Sniper mask escapes with a broken mask and meets Kuon, who he is instructed not to kill. She is a god cadet. Sniper mask unites Kuon with Yuri and Mayuko and wants to regain his memories. He is linked to Rika and desperately wants to find out what Rika means to him.Characters:
Yuri: A naturally skilled fighter, she is strong willed and obnoxious however her intentions are pure and she becomes a likable character. Although she is a minor, she is sexualised which is unsettling and a downside to this anime. She fights with 2 guns
Rika: He has a girly name despite him also being a natural fighter. Personally I don't like him, he comes of as annoying to me. He fights with a hammer and is intelligent. He also has a sister-complex and dislikes Yuri's idea of making companions.
Mayuko: She is a friend of Yuri's and also has a slight crush on her. She is also a natural fighter which becomes a repetitive theme in this anime. I wish that their strength and power was a bit more natural and not as over powered. She has a bad past and doesn't really want to return to the normal world. She fights with a knife.
Kuon: Another character that I don't like. She has a crush on sniper mask and is a very pretty girl. However her personally is annoying. She doesn't fight but she is closest to god. Her god candidate powers are very developed which made her a powerful ally.
Sniper mask: A handsome man who is supposed to be an angel but is different from the others. I find that he is the highlight of the series and quite and interesting character. He is also overpowered but fights with a sniper rifle.Animation:
The animation is actually pretty good, its colorful but also brings out the gore.Overall I quite enjoyed the anime. It has some predictable parts especially during the fights however there is a lot of jump cares and some parts actually surprised me. For a Netflix production it's pretty good quality. It's not the best quality but it's not the worst but personally I found it interesting and a fun idea. It's an original idea and I really horror anime's. I would probably watch it again and I would recommend to others. I don't understand why it's getting so much criticism.
Thankyou for reading this if you did, this is my first review. x
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- (3.25/5)
Ended inFebruary 25, 2021
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Hashtag #天空侵犯