March 21, 2020
24 min
Kaname Sudou, an ordinary high school student, receives an invitation email to try a mysterious app called "Darwin's Game." Kaname, upon launching the app, is drawn into a game where players fight one another using superpowers called Sigils. Without knowing the reason for all this, can Kaname survive furious battles against the powerful players who attack him?
(Source: Aniplex of America)
Note: The first episode aired with a runtime of ~48 minutes as opposed to the standard 24 minute long episode.
Shuka Karino
Reina Ueda
Kaname Sudou
Yuusuke Kobayashi
Rein Kashiwagi
Nichika Oomori
Yumiri Hanamori
Ryuuji Maesaka
Taku Yashiro
Yumiri Hanamori
Xue Lan Liu
Ai Kayano
Ichirou Hiiragi
Takehito Koyasu
Junya Enoki
Ai Kakuma
Eiji Takemoto
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Hideyuki Umezu
Hiroyuki Kyouda
Chiaki Kobayashi
Youta Shinozuka
Fukushi Ochiai
Yuuya Hirose
Shunsuke Takeuchi
Akane Shidou
Aoi Koga
Masaaki Mizunaka
Keiichi Katsura
Ryuuichi Kijima
Makoto Sahara
Suzune Hiiragi
Konomi Kohara
Souma Saitou
Hideaki Kanehira

79/100(ITALIAN REVIEW) C'è un serpente nel mio telefonoContinue on AniListCirca 2 anni fa, iniziai a leggere il manga di quest'opera, attratto dalla trama "battle royale" che mi affascina particolarmente. Alla fine, mi fermai al quinto volume, dato che per motivi personali non riuscii a proseguirlo, però mi rimase il pallino di continuarlo perchè ormai ero curioso di sapere come continuasse.
Nel 2020, finalmente esce il primo (spero non unico) adattamento animato di Darwin's Game, e devo ammettere che ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative...ma andiamo con ordine:
La storia non è nulla di troppo originale, però rende e si sviluppa in maniera omogenea, seppur ci siano molte incognite e punti interrogativi che spero vengano colmati nelle prossime stagioni. In poche parole, è presente un'applicazione per smartphone, chiamata Darwin's Game, la quale permette agli utilizzatori di partecipare ad un gioco di sopravvivenza, in cui l'obiettivo principale è uccidere gli altri utilizzatori per ottenere punti, i quali possono essere convertiti in valuta reale. Inoltre, ai partecipanti, viene donato un potere chiamato "Sigillo", derivato da un desiderio di questi ultimi prima dell'ingresso nel gioco. Essi si differenziano molto per tipologia, ma sono anche molto sbilanciati, dato che variano da 'creare all'istante qualsiasi tipo di arma' a 'capire se uno mente o meno'.
Tutto ciò avviene, inoltre, nel pieno della vita cittadina, e qui si arriva ad un punto dolente della serie, dato che nonostante vengano commessi omicidi di massa, e vengano distrutti interi palazzi, alla popolazione non sembra importare molto (spero venga spiegato in seguito la motivazione principe di questi "black out mentali").PERSONAGGI:
I personaggi sono ben caratterizzati, viene approfondita in maniera velata la storia di tutti i co-protagonisti, e riescono a rispettare le volontà del proprio personaggio. In particolar modo Kaname, il protagonista, il quale subirà un'evoluzione sorprendente ed inaspettata, che è stata molto gradita dal sottoscritto.GRAFICA:
La grafica non è nulla di eccezionale, però è apprezzabile alla vista. Anche gli effetti visivi e le animazioni riescono a rispettare i canoni di questa generazione, con fluidità e colori davvero ben riusciti.SUONO:
Il comparto audio, forse, è l'elemento dell'opera che spicca meno. Gli effetti sonori delle armi, e dei vari poteri è ben riuscito, ma le ost non riescono a sorprendere mai, e difficilmente rimangono in testa, seppur siano sempre azzeccate con le scene di cui fanno contorno.
L'ending, "Alive", è davvero ben fatta, e molto spesso accompagnerà in maniera perfetta le scene finali degli episodi. Discorso a parte per l'Opening, la quale è già nel dimenticatoio.Nel complesso, Darwin's Game è un anime che ha saputo intrattenermi, con una storia avvincente, seppur poco originale, e con alcuni momenti di tensione davvero ben riusciti.
Voto: 7.9
67/100Darwin's Game had a lot of potential, but it was poorly executed.Continue on AniListWhat's up everybody! Killua Morales is back and as promised, I'm gonna review an anime from the Winter season of this year. There were a lot of anime I wanted to look at, but I've decided to focus on one of my personal favorites, and that's the battle royale anime, Darwin's Game. Let's begin shall we:
___Synopsis___ 17-year old Kaname Sudou is living a normal life until one day, he's invited to play an app game called Darwin's Game. Unbeknownst to him, this app game isn't some normal game you just download and play. The moment you join the game, you're involved in a battle royale where you have to fight to the death against others. Another thing is that after you join, you gain a supernatural ability called a Sigil that varies from player to player. After being trapped in this world of murderers and psychopaths, Kaname becomes determined to fight in this game to not only end it but also to kill the Game Master.
___Story & Characters___ This may come off as your typical fight to the death anime if you're familiar with series like Fate/Stay Night, The Future Diary and BTOOOM!, and you would be right. This story is very simplistic, but it's an effective simplicity. It's the psychological factor that makes this anime more entertaining than you would expect from the survival game genre. You really pay close attention to the main characters' mental state when fighting and understand each of their motives. As far as the survival game part, you're given basic groundwork for what's occurring in the anime, so you're never confused, and you're never bored because further detail about what occurs is shown through the action scenes.
What makes this anime more interesting and entertaining than normal is the characters. Each character is kinda stereotypical, but there is variety in between them. Unfortunately, that's all you get, variety. After seeing these characters, you don't really get much from them besides the main two.
_Kaname Sudou_ Kaname is basically if you mixed together the special abilities of Shirou Emiya from Fate/Stay Night with the edgelord personality of Hajime Nagumo from Arifureta. He has very strong values, but he won't hesitate to kick someone's ass if they piss him off. He's no coward, so he's much more likable than Yukiteru Amano from Future Diary, and he's pretty damn smart too, so he's no stereotypical protagonist. He starts off like a bland character, but you start to see how he adapts to what's happening and how he plans things out making him well-developed and a bad ass. Of course, the characters around him are no slouch either especially his main love interest.
Shuka Karino Shuka is a tamed version of Yuna from Future Diary just give her Rider's chains from Fate/Stay Night. She comes off as a psychopath, but she's not. She's a normal girl that just knows how kill you up close and personal and from far away. After meeting Kaname, she becomes not only very girly to the point that it can be cute but also very protective of him to the point that it can be considered stalker-ish. When she's fighting, she can be merciless and holds nothing back. It's a shame that we don't get much about her backstory because it would have been nice to see why she's so damn merciless, but it's whatever.
_Rein Kashiwagi_ You can't have a survival anime without an introvert now, can we? Well you get that in the form of this little girl who's also good with a sniper rifle. She's basically the informant that gives out much needed information to others for the right price, so mix together the informant in Izaya Orihara from Durarara!! (minus the manipulation of others) with the sniper skills of Shinon from Sword Art Online, and this is who you get. You would expect something from this character, but she doesn't really have much development since she doesn't get a lot of screen time. You just get what you can out of her that involves her information gathering and marksmanship, and that's it. It's a bit of a let down since she's a very interesting character, and you do see a bit of her backstory, but she remains the same character even after meeting Kaname.
_Ryuji Maesaka_ This was a character that had a lot of potential. He started off as a character that join the game for money with his brother but became vengeful after a gang killed his brother. It was the perfect opportunity to see him grow while obtaining revenge, but his motives were completely sidelined after meeting Kaname where he becomes your typical right-hand man. I personally wanted to like his character simply because he wields a light-machine gun with a clip you normally see on a Tommy gun, but that's all you get from him which is a huge letdown.
_Sui/Sota_ A character with split personalities, how can you mess a promising concept like that. Oh I know, by focusing too much on one personality and not seeing the other come out unless a fight is occurring. This was another character I wanted to like. You have sweet and shy Sui who is the biggest pacifist you'll ever see that can control water and her split personality Sota who's as big a psychopath as Shuka and can turn the aforementioned water into ice. When you first meet these two, you would have thought that it was fight scene involving twins, but you're thrown a curve ball when you learn that it was split personalities. It was a well developed start but we never see how it comes to fruition. You just get what you can from their action scenes and afterwards all you see is the timid Sui being scared of violence. It's not a bad thing, but it was another let down due to how much potential the producers missed out on with this character. Speaking of missed opportunities.
_Liu Xuelan_ This is my favorite character from the manga, and I was looking forward to what they would do with her character. You have the best fighter in the game who becomes captivated by Kaname's fighting prowess to the point that she tried to make him the heir of her clan while bearing his children. That was a story concept I could get behind that's rarely ever seen in an anime (Hell, the only anime I've seen do a concept like that is Kengan Asura, Akame ga Kill!, and Isekai Cheat Magician). You have a strong and independent female character being interested in an equally strong male character to the point that she wants to marry him and start a family. How can you miss an opportunity like that? Oh I know, by bringing it up at one moment, and then completely forget about it along with the female character as well. This was the biggest disappointment I've seen in this anime. How exactly do forget about the top fighter in this survival game and never bring her up again! I hope we get another season because they way she was completely sidelined was a huge kick in the nuts.
All in all, it was a very promising story, but the characters were very much wasted especially the villain who was a complete psychopath just because. Yes his character was entertaining at first, but let's face it, he will never be Vaas Montenegro.
Animation & Sound The art and animation by studio Nexus whose known works include:
Granbelm Wakaba*Girl and the co-production with Silver Link:
Chivalry of a Failed Knight was the biggest highlight of the show. You see a lot of detail put into this series especially with the breathtaking backgrounds.
Not now Keanu. Another time, but thank you.
Back to my point, the art style was one of the best parts of the anime with the action scenes being the stand out. You feel the intensity in each action scene. That's how it feels in most of the action scenes, but other times it's just average. The animation during the opening credits was kind of misleading at times with it trying to make the characters look bad ass, but in all honesty, it was
The character designs however were as bland as a cup of hot tea with no flavor or sweetener. Just one look at each of the characters, and you'll know what their personalities are like making the characters all the more bland than they already were. The only stand out character design was Shuka's design with her red dress, blonde twin tails and chains which fits her character to a tee.
Then there's the sound, which was the best part of the anime. The soundtrack was well made with a combination of techno, orchestra, and electric guitars giving off the intensity of the action scenes and the emotion of the dramatic scenes. The OP theme and ED theme were serviceable. They do their job setting up the tone of the anime, but it's not anything special if you listen them by themselves.
The voice acting is where the sound department really stood out. You could really feel the emotion the voice actors put into their roles from Yusuke Kobayashi (known for voicing Subaru from Re:Zero) voicing the smart and sometimes ruthless Kaname to Reina Ueda (known for voicing Mira from Dimension W) voicing the ruthless and Yuno-inspired Shuka. Each voice actor stood out in their own way (I just wish their characters were more likable). The stand out of the voice actors was Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (whom you all know for voicing Kirito from SAO and Ren from The Rising of the Shield Hero) voicing the Vaas wannabe Wang. It doesn't surprise me that he can voice a psychopath since he's voiced Petelgeuse from Re:Zero. His voicing of Wang is nothing compared to Petelgeuse, but it was a job well done.
In the end, the animation was just above average, and the sound department was a hit out of the park. It was the only thing redeeming the anime.
___Final Verdict___ What more can be said about this anime. It was a promising concept that had a lot to ride on, but the characters are what brought down the anime. If Nexus took the time to properly develop the characters like the manga, this could've easily been the best anime of the Winter season. As it stands, the only redeeming factor about this anime was the animation & sound, so we can say that this is an anime with style but barely any substance.
With that in mind, I can say that Darwin's Game is...
___A One-Time Watch___
ANIME ActionMirai Nikki
OVA ActionImawa no Kuni no Alice
ANIME ActionMahou Shoujo Site
ANIME ActionFate/stay night
ANIME ActionSword Art Online II
- (3.5/5)
Ended inMarch 21, 2020
Main Studio Nexus
Trending Level 3
Favorited by 2,406 Users
Hashtag #ダーウィンズゲーム