April 8, 2020
High school senior year, spring—one of life's important forks in the road. Taichi Ichinose finds himself in the same class as Futaba Kuze, who he feels strangely averse to, and his popular childhood friend, Touma Mita. One day, Futaba confides in him her love for Touma, and asks him for help. How will Taichi respond? This new “pure” love story begins as the three are colored in the emotions of youth.
(Source: MANGA Plus)
Touma Mita
Taichi Ichinose
Masumi Itachi
Futaba Kuze
Mami Yagihara
Seiya Mita
Akiko Mita
Shingo Niimura
100/100A beautiful manga with themes very few works of the Shounen demographic talk about.Continue on AniListWarning: This review contains spoilers and is long. Really long.
I started reading Ao no Flag after almost every person I followed on Twitter posted pictures of the volumes they bought. I had no idea what the manga was about, nor did I look up images or Youtube videos about it. As soon as I read the synopsis, I was skeptical. I am not a romantic person. I like the idea of romance, but the stories that make it my way never leave enough of an impression on me. Then if you add a love triangle to the mix, it just makes me want to drop the story without giving it a chance.
My problem in romance anime and manga is that almost always, I end up rooting for the second love rival and not for the one the hero or heroine first falls in love with. The protagonists almost always ending up with the first person they fall in love with, no matter what they did to them, is enough to make me think that I will not enjoy myself reading. After debating on whether or not to give it a go, I thought, "well I can always drop it if it is not what I want." I never expected that this manga would bring me to tears multiple times and for it to become a very important piece of media. Beautiful story, relatable and complex characters, simple artwork that when needed becomes gorgeous and breathtaking. This work for me is a masterpiece.
Ao no Flag is a story about the many choices a teenager embarking on his way to young adulthood will take and also about self-growth. The story begins with the protagonist, Taichi, who is having an inner conversation with himself. He is pondering on whether he would save his best friend or his lover, before telling us that it doesn't really matter anyway, since he has neither.
Right of the bat, he seems like the usual protagonist: he doesn't have many friends (if any), he doesn't have a special someone, has self-confidence issues, and seems to just be a normal high school kid. In the same chapter, we meet the other two protagonists: Touma and Futaba. Touma is Taichi's childhood friend, but ever since middle school, their relationship became strained. Touma is everything Taichi is currently not. He is very friendly, radiates positive energy, is clearly very good-looking, and is good at sports. Futaba is a mostly quiet girl. She is clumsy, shy, petite, and not very good at defending herself. Taichi clearly dislikes her in the beginning because she reminds him of himself, and he does not like himself very much. Futaba ends up revealing to him that she is in love with Touma, and attempts to ask him for advice on how to woo him and about Touma's likes and dislikes. Taichi wasn't going to help her initially, but after she expressed to him that she wanted to change and not just give up, he decided to help her.
Along the way of Taichi helping Futaba in trying to court Touma, he ends up falling in love with her and that right there is when the plot starts moving. After Futaba tells Taichi about the time when she fell in love with Touma, he sets up a date. He invites Touma out to the movies and plans on running into Futaba to then leave the two of them alone. This plan quickly backfires since Futaba is too awkward and ended up bringing a friend with her, a girl whose name is Masumi. The movie ends, and then the four of them go into a shop. Taichi takes Masumi away and leaves Touma and Futaba alone. Masumi asks Taichi why he is helping Futaba with Touma when it is clear she will be rejected and get hurt, to which Taichi answers that Futaba already knows Touma likes someone else but she is still willing to try to get him to like her. Masumi becomes aggravated and questions Taichi about whether or not he cares about Touma's feelings. Taichi is not able to answer and decides to run away, and is spotted by a very confused Touma and Futaba. The next school day, Masumi apologizes to Taichi for being harsh and also tells him to be careful if he wants to help Futaba since clearly Touma has misunderstood and thinks Taichi and Futaba like each other. Rather than talk it out, Taichi opts to ask Futaba to stop being friends so that their relationship isn't misread as something else. Futaba follows Taichi to tell him that she wants to be friends with him, and it is then that Taichi finally acknowledges, to himself at least, that he is in love with Futaba but will still help her get her feelings to Touma across. In this same chapter, we get hit with the plot twist of the story. It is not flat out stated but it is implied that the person Touma has a crush on is Taichi.
Ao no Flag mostly revolves around four characters: Taichi, Touma, Futaba, and Masumi. They all are by no means perfect in any way, which makes them complex characters who feel like real people. They all have goals, likes, dislikes, things that hurt them, and overall they are very well written.
Taichi is someone who self-doubts, criticizes others who have his same behavior, has an inferiority complex regarding his friend Touma, and he has little self-awareness. His relationship with Touma suffered because he was jealous of him and he just never began to think that his friend must have problems too and wasn't perfect. He is very selfish and at the same time, he is not. He likes Futaba but still helps her out with Touma. He wants Futaba to be happy but wants her to be rejected at the same time. Taichi feels he is not worth the attention his friends give him.
Back when Touma got hit by a car, and still reassured Taichi to not worry. That his life was more important to him than being able to play baseball at the Koshien Stadium, Taichi says that he is "not worth that much". When he is watching the baseball game while holding Touma's hand, he cries while apologizing to Touma, because if it wasn't for him jumping to save him, then he would have been able to play and then his team might not have been defeated. He cries and thinks about how much he doesn't deserve the people he is surrounded by, and about how much he wants to make it up to Touma. That whole scene just made me bawl my eyes out.
Touma is the second protagonist. He is fairly liked by all of the students, the girls are after him all the time, he is in the baseball club, is a handsome kid and everyone, including Taichi, thinks he must have it really good and that he has no problems whatsoever. This is a huge spoiler but I need to talk about it since it is part of the character. If you've made it this far you probably know anyway. Touma is gay. Throughout the manga you will take notice of all the issues or most of them anyway, you will face when your sexuality is different from the norm.
As soon as his classmates hear of him being gay, suddenly the friendly Touma they always cherished becomes a "sexual predator". Props to the author cuz this way of thinking happens pretty much all the time. Clearly, if you are gay you suddenly like all men. Obviously, people can't have different likes and dislikes, they only base them on gender right? Anyway, Touma not only has to come to terms with the fact that he likes his childhood friend but also with the fact that said childhood friend is a man. Never mind the fact that that same friend is straight (or at least that is what Touma thinks since Taichi and Futaba end up dating somewhere in the middle of the story or even a bit before then. Taichi ended up being bisexual).
Apart from the problems Touma has with his sexuality, he also faces the burdens and expectations everyone places on him. During the school festival, he even gets angry when Taichi implies that Touma must feel nothing about not having decided what to do after high school. He said, " I think it's amazing how you are okay with failing. It's because you believe that even if you fail, you'll still be able to figure it out by yourself right? and even if you don't, other people will surely help you out." this basically screams out that because he is liked by everyone and can do pretty much anything then he mustn't be worried about his future. Touma obviously gets angry and tells Taichi that even still he does have his problems and to please not make light of them. After this Taichi just tells Touma that it's just that no matter what it feels like Touma might end up happier than him.
Touma is very relatable, you don't even have to be in the LGBTQ community to relate to him, but for those in the community, I am sure Touma's problems hit close to home. I particularly cried and felt for him when he expressed to Taichi that all he wanted was to be free. In his own words, " I want to live with freedom. I want to be able to say what I love, be happy when I'm happy, and be sad when I'm sad. Not be told what to do. To not hurt anyone nor be hurt by anyone."
Futaba is the third protagonist. She is a timid girl, very clumsy, and is not good at defending herself from others. At the beginning of the story, she clearly states to Taichi that she wants to change herself. Rather than just give up, she wants to make an actual effort. As the story progresses, she starts to grow out of her shell and says what she really wants to say. She figures out what goals she wants for herself after she graduates, and she begins planning for them. I appreciated her character a whole lot when she confronted Touma asking him about why he confessed to Taichi, and then talked about her feelings and what she thought about the whole thing. The Futaba at the beginning of the story would have never done that.
There are plenty of good characters in the supporting cast but I don't want to make this review even longer than it will already be, so I am going to pick some of my favorite ones.
Masumi is Futaba's classmate and friend. She also has a crush on her. Masumi, like Touma, is very much affected by the fact that even though she loves Futaba, her feelings not only are unrequited, but she also cannot risk confessing because they are both women and she does not want Futaba no think she is not "normal". She shared a talk with Touma's sister in law, about how she doesn't know what happiness is, and that she wonders if it's okay for her to choose happiness even when people she likes might leave her behind or completely remove themselves from her life because of who she chooses to love. That talk is one of the best I've seen so far and honestly I can't even put into words just how well done it is.
Mami is another supporting character in the story. She has had a crush on Touma for a long time. She knows it is not requited, but since Touma has not flat out rejected her, she still tries to get him to like her. She befriends Taichi and the others in an attempt to get closer with Touma but ends up genuinely liking them. Because Mami is a very pretty girl, others think she may be trying to take Taichi away from Futaba. She clearly states that just because she is a girl and Taichi is a guy, does not mean they can't be just friends. That whole conversation they have about why society looks at a woman and a man and thinks they can't be platonic friends, and that they will fall in love at some point, is a masterpiece on its own.
She also was there for Masumi when she had a breakdown over her crush on Futaba. After Taichi told Futaba that Touma had confessed to him, Futaba told Masumi and Mami that she couldn't even begin to wonder how Taichi felt like. That she wouldn't know what to feel if Masumi, her best friend and also a girl, suddenly confessed to her. This made Masumi's fight or flight instinct activate and Mami realized Masumi's feelings for Futaba and ran away after her. They both had a fight and Masumi kept brushing Mami off by saying how she wouldn't understand her because she wasn't like her, and Mami heartbreakingly told her that she wanted to understand her, even though as much as she wanted to, she couldn't become like her.
Overall Ao no Flag resonated with my whole being and has become one of my favorite works. The ending might seem rushed to other people, but if you read the manga attentively, you will figure out that is not the case. We were given many hints as to how Taichi and Futaba's relationship was not the best, so it is no surprise that they broke up in college. Touma and Taichi ending up together is not farfetched when you notice how even in the beginning Taichi has always been aware of Touma and not in a way a friend would. Even the fact that he didn't flat out reject him both of the times he got confessed to should give you a clue that he was not opposed to the idea. Just the smile Taichi flashed in the last chapter while holding out his hand, which had a wedding band, while he grabbed Touma's hand, is enough to make me incredibly happy.
Yes, I wish the last chapter wasn't from a first-person perspective, because I really wanted to see the smile on Touma's face, but that does not change the fact that it is a beautiful ending, and that it is definitely a manga that should get more credit than it does. It will never not be a masterpiece in my book.
93/100GREAT. It's not a love story but a coming of age/ psychological development/ maturing one.Continue on AniListAo no Flag is such a great coming of age story showing you the different thinking of people who lead different lives from different environment. There's so much to talk about not just the story itself including side characters like Mami and Masuo.
To be honest, I only really did start reading it because its tagged as BL bit to be honest it's only really 5-10% BL and all or most of it is really coming of age and slice of life. I think this was the focus of the author and not as a love story, which would explain how it ended. A lot of readers complained how it ended so abruptly, but if the author meant to make a coming of age story and BL is just a background to set up the problems they need to overcome, then it's understandable.Taichi
After primary school, Taichi and Touma has drifted apart according to Taichi. And this was because of Taichi's lack of self confidence constantly comparing himself to Taichi who's tall, handsome, can do anything, and brimming of charisma. While Taichi is short, average at things and not charismatic. This was the wedge that caused the distance between the two friends. Of course this wasn't what Touma wanted he kept on starting conversations with Taichi but Taichi couldn't keep up with his amount of friends and his being so outwardly perfect. Taichi gave up on their friendship. So if say, Futaba never came in the picture, the circumstances would have probably just have worsened. There was no problem, Taichi didn't seem like it was a relationship he wanted to maintain, in the end, he gave up on Touma.Touma
This was not really that talked about compared to other issues. He felt like he wasn't free and couldn't do as he wanted around his brother and sister-in-law. Although they didn't say why, was it because after their parents death his brother started to support him financially and as a child he couldn't really do anything? So he had to calibrate his actions to not disappoint his brother? But of course Seiya didn't really think of Touma as a burden, it was just Touma wanting Seiya to live his life with his wife. I think the root of their problem was lack of communication resulting to lack of understanding. Despite Seiya reaching out to Touma, Touma blocked himself from it. Why? No one knows. It even took a girl who couldnt give up on him to admit ti anyone how he felt towards Taichi. And it took the whole school to talk about it for him to confess. Taichi's problem was communication, and the person who fixed it, is Futaba. When they talked in the garden after the "gay issue" was circling around school, they talked about it and I think that's when Touma resolved his communication issues.Futaba
I think the only problem Futaba has is that she doesn't think highly of herself, this stems from how she's treated for being VERY clumsy. But she tries to understand other people and their pain. When she found out about Touma's feelings for Taichi she thought about how he must have felt when he loved Taichi first and for so long. No problem there really just her view of herself which probably have gotten better as she grew up.Masumi
Just like Touma she has had feelings for Futaba her best friend but couldn't confess or say anything because she not only does know that Futaba likes someone else but she's also afraid of how other people will react to her being a lesbian. She does understand after talking to Akiko, Touma's sister-in-law, that you really cant do anything about other peoples response to what you are and your actions, and its more important to have no regrets. I guess she does eventually accept herself being bisexual because in the end she does marry a man who says because of how she is he tends to get jealous of both men and women around her. And it is realistic at how she was never able to confess to Futaba, not all people in real life need to confess just for closure. A lot of people were sad about her story but I think its pretty okay after thinking about it.Mami
Mami is also a great character, cant really find anything she had trouble within herself. Her main problem was not being able find guy friends who she wouldn't have problems with. as of the moment she only has Shingo as her only unproblematic guy friend. She has no problems being friends with girls and boys, but girls start to become jealous and territorial at her when she befriends men and men only see her as a potential girlfriend material. Although, she doesn't really let that bring her down. She knows she has done nothing wrong, so she just continuous on her life. Another positive trait is, She is extremely loyal so I guess thats why her closest 2 friends don't get jealous around her because they know she'll only look at Touma. Must be great tho, being that prettyKensuke
Kensuke is a great example of someone who cant be friends with girls because his view is completely the opposite of Mami, his crush, (that word is so cringe). In his mind, girls are way different than men biologically, women are smaller, weaker and overall fragile for example when men can just beat each other up as a way of understanding each other, a man cant do that to a girl. And according to him there's a lot of places you cant touch a girl in while it would be fine with his bros. Girls are so different which is why he cant understand being gay. There is also that passing sentence saying he was molested multiple times which is another factor for his problems with gayness. He does know that there are individual differences between each people, for example there are men who are more feminine despite being straight and there are bros among women who are fine with punching each other out. But compared to gender differences, individual differences are way too great. Despite all this, he is fine with staying friends with Touma. He understood that they are Touma's friends, he's just having problems accepting what Touma is. You cant really hate him for that, you can still understand him. and despite his stand on being gay he still is trying to understand Touma.Shingo
Aaaaaaand finally my favorite character. He is so insightful, he empathizes with his friends, he thinks before he talks and he really analyzes the situation before doing anything. He's also the only guy friend that Mami completely trusts that really sees her only as a friend. Even when he had a girlfriend and she complained about his friendship with Mami, he knew he was in the right and chose his friendship, because the girlfriend's accusations were baseless and jealousy driven. I also like how even when he was with Shouko, one of Mami's friends this was in ch 44 where he really shined, he corrected what they said showing how their logic was not rectifying Kensuke's perspective.TheHammer
100/100"La Vida es un Conjunto de Decisiones."Continue on AniList__Yo quiero hablar específicamente de la Amistad en el ojo del huracán. No es extraño que los mangas aborden el tema. A lo largo de todas las demografías y los géneros de manga se ha hablado de diferentes relaciones de amistad y lo profundas que pueden llegar a ser. Sólo ver el enfoque romántico de este manga es quedarse corto. Y caer en la sobre simplificación de decir que no importa lo romántico porque la amistad es muy fuerte (cuando los personajes bien demuestran que todas las maneras en las que se relacionan son importantes para ellos). Así que aprovechando a Kuze, a Touma y a Taichi y al resto de los personajes voy a aprovechar para hablar un poco del tema.__ ¿Por qué insistimos en creer que los vínculos románticos están por encima de cualquier otro? O, al contrario, ¿por qué? para demostrar que no es cierto que están por encima de cualquier otro insistimos en realzar a la amistad con el único propósito de crear un ranking que la ponga hasta arriba? Supongo que es cuestión de racionalizar las formas en las que nos relacionamos, quien sabe. Pero cosas tan complejas como los sentimientos no se pueden racionalizar. Una de las cosas que me gusta es que Futaba aprecia de diferente manera, pero sin ranking alguno, a Touma y a Taichi a lo largo de todos los estados de su relación con ambos. Demuestra que ningún tipo de vínculo está por encima de otro.
Ao No Flag demuestra dos cosas: escribir relaciones complejas es difícil, sí, pero no es algo de lo que puedas alejarte cuando vas a ahondar en los sentimientos de tus personajes y no hay vínculos que, sin contexto alguno, al vacío, sean mejores que otros. Taichi, Futaba y Touma están en el último año de preparatoria. Se preparan para la universidad o lo que sea que siga en su camino. Ante ellos se encuentra el Futuro, Grande, Amplio, Incierto. Creo que todos hemos estado allí, viviendo en una sociedad que te hace elegir algo (lo que sea, aunque te equivoques) a los 18 años. Hemos vivido esa incertidumbre y, tal como Taichi, Futaba y Touma (y Mami y Masumi y todos los demás personajes) hemos sentido mucho y muy grande porque es la época en la que muchas cosas se experimentan por primera vez. Quizá ninguno de los personajes se parezca a lo que fuimos o quizá no queramos compararnos con ellos; quizá no queramos volver nunca a eso que fuimos, pero verlo con distancia y desde otras perspectivas, en esta historia, que nos están contando, nos caliente el Corazón y nos haga sentir algo. Sugerir que los adolescentes "son simples" (y créanme, he visto la audacia hasta en quien se supone que ha escrito algo para ellos) tras las reflexiones a las que los personajes se enfrentan (y, como lectores, nos enfrentan) es ridículo.
El Amor, la Amistad, el Futuro, las Expectativas, qué es ser Feliz, cómo buscamos la Felicidad. Todas aquellas preguntas se dan lugar en el pequeño universo de una preparatoria. Y yo, que suelo irme por los caminos de lo no mimético y lo especulativo, ¡lo disfruté muchísimo! Me gustan estas historias, donde no hay moralina barata, donde se reconoce que ninguna relación es fácil cuando son tan profundas como pueden llegar a serlo el romance y la amistad y se narra en consecuencia, llenando las historias y los cuentos de matices y claroscuros. Las partes que más me ha gustado de Ao no Flag es seguramente una que sea percibida por cada uno que haya leído esta serie no hablo de otra cosa que el misterio fundamental por parte del personaje de Touma y un elemento fundamental a la hora que es básicamente el descubrir que Touma es Homosexual, pero para mí fue un descubrimiento muy progresivo que me hacía querer seguir leyendo más y más el manga para confirmar o para descartar mis sospechas y creo que el Autor lo hace muy bien al presentarnos un Personaje que en un primer momento no tiene ninguna de las “Aptitudes” por decir alguna manera que nuestra sociedad ha dado Lamentablemente ha dado como universales cuando hablamos de Homosexualidad, en el caso de los Hombres que se Afeminados o la forma de hablar o que sí son sensibles, como si esto fuera lo contrario a lo que alguien debería ser, en el Caso de Touma es simplemente un Adolescente. Qué es deportista, divertido y tiene buen corazón y bueno físicamente es muy guapo. Y que entra dentro de la normalidad que todos conocemos, El Autor demuestra como poco a poco te va dando pistas acerca de los sentimientos Touma y ver como tal vez la verdadera felicidad reflejada en su cara, esos pequeños gestos que no sabes en surgen de la Buena Amistad que hay entre ellos o de que hay un sentimiento más fuerte que los rodea donde uno de ellos ni siquiera es consciente de esto.
Al principio piensas que Touma quiere dejarlo todo atrás por separación de la mujer de su hermano de la cual está enamorado pero luego descubrimos de su propia boca que esto no es así y Taichi empieza hacer preguntas por a la hora de describir a su chica perfecta pero claro, Esto lo dice porque no sabe si lo dice porque no quiere admitirlo o para no preocupar a Taichi pero en el caso de que no fuera, Cuál es el motivo?, de que tiene miedo?, de que quiere alejarse que le hace tanto Daño?, esas clase de preguntas las que no paras de hacerte respecto al personaje una y otra vez no por nada sino porque simplemente quieres comprenderle de verdad, Al igual que quiere comprender le a Seiya, Qué es un personaje del cual no encontrado ningún lugar para hablar del mismo pero el cual tengo que hablar y necesito hablar porque su hermano, el hermano de Touma me parece un personaje Increíble con Mucha Sabiduría y que tiene unos Diálogos muy Importante en esta obra.
Me encanta el Hermano de Touma y como simplemente intenta comprender a Touma, quiere saber que quiere ser y apoyarlo en eso, lo único que le preocupa es que sea algo, que sea legal que vaya en contra de las normas de la Sociedad, pero incluso aún con esas que dice que estará ahí para intentar apoyarlo y llevarlo por el buen camino. Me encanta porque es un personaje más maduro pero al fin y al cabo sigue siendo un “Niño” que está intentando ser adulto, está haciendo está intentando tomar el papel de Padre, Y aunque es completamente incapaz de hacerlo Aunque realmente sigues siendo un chaval muy joven con mucha vitalidad y que no es capaz de decir las cosas con sosiego y con la figura que debería tener un padre es alguien que simplemente quiere estar ahí hay que simplemente quiere entender a Touma y lo único que quieres que sea feliz tome el camino que tome Incluso si es un mal camino que tenga Claro que estará ahí para levantarle si se cae.
Quieres saber qué le pasa que, de malo ahí y por qué sufre Y porque no pude remediar lo que vuelve loco al igual que lo vuelve loco a él hasta que la situación de forma suave llega un punto Qué es insostenible y simplemente lo dice en voz alta para quitarse ese peso de encima sinceramente Es que creo que podría describir todas y cada una de las páginas de este manga porque me ha gustado cada línea. Y es que me alucina Cómo se toma esto Taichi como sin querer no se aleja porque toda su relación hasta ahora tomo otro color y no quiere bajarse del Pero simplemente no sabe ni siquiera cómo reaccionar ante esos sentimientos. Son un centenar de preguntas que surgen en el frente detalle pero que el manga no verbaliza no ponen palabras es que simplemente ves que está y no ves que no sabe qué hacer no sabe cómo reaccionar vez que se aleja ves que le duele hacerlo sinceramente me parece increíble lo que consigue Ao No Flag sin mediar ni una sola palabra. El Ser Joven es un tema que regularmente se asocia de forma exclusiva con la edad y es este parámetro el que Avala o Desacredita mucho de lo que una persona pueda sentir expresar creer, Cuántas veces no hemos escuchado la frase "Estás muy Niño no sabes lo que quieres" o "Cuando Crezcas podrás Decidir", este Manga toma tales ideas y las representa una forma genial A través de sus personajes dotándolo de esa inexperiencia tan genuina por la que todos pasamos, pero a su vez brindándoles un desarrollo que les da cierto grado de madurez a sus decisiones y actitudes no sé estanque en el estigma que por rondar entre los 15 a 18 años la visión debe ser limitada, de hecho la historia compagina de una forma tan adecuada sucesos que los jóvenes viven día a día en nuestra realidad con un planteamiento típico de este medio creando una narrativa interesante y a la vez con mucho impacto para los sentimientos de Duda, Desagrado y el Miedo son capturados de una forma profunda y tajante mientras que la Felicidad. Esperanza y Amor son representados de manera Cálida y Entrañable pero sin llegar a un extremo imposible de alcanzar.
Y eso Aplica para todo, a lo larga de las páginas y con apoyo de diversos agentes como lo son los diálogos con mensajes potentes, los silencios bien implementados, las expresiones detalladas y fijas, el acomodo de viñetas que dan la oportunidad de mostrar cada interacción por completo o el diseño de escenarios. el Autor logra tocar muchos temas punzantes que no necesitan relacionarse entre sí por medio de los personajes o al menos no directamente, pero que sí enriquecen el entendimiento para elector y gracias a esto que identificarse con el reparto se vuelve una tarea tan sencilla que incluso puedes tomar características de las múltiples personalidades mostradas y pensar que tienen razón y deberían ser así pero a su vez también abre la perspectiva para comprender que tener opiniones diferentes no es erróneo y que no coincidir con alguien en un tema que puede parecer obvio muchas veces tendrá más de una respuesta acertada todo esto desemboque en un punto Importante a mencionar el Conflicto.
A lo largo obra se presentan diversas situaciones que van forjando la visión del mundo desde lo que nuestros protagonistas consideran correcto en la realidad cómo lo menciona en el punto anterior nada es hacer todo al 100% en esta vida el Amor, la Felicidad, la Amistad o el Mejorar son apuestas que realizamos todos los días en las que ganar o perder no significan el fin del camino sino una vertiente que nosotros decidimos formar es importante comprender que lo bueno rara vez viene solo, los Contratiempos son parte de la Experiencia y sacarles provecho solo la mejorará. Nos permite adentrarnos de lleno en la historia al empatizar, escribimos y leemos la narrativa del Autor para tocar y desarrollar conceptos tan comunes como las amistades de la Infancia y enamorarse o elegir una universidad acompañadas de una carga emocional que le dan sentido a un hilo de acciones que está por venir, sin descuidar lo que está presentando en este momento pero el concepto con mayor grado de dificultad dado su representación como en su ejecución debe ser la juventud.
__Como hice alusión al Inicio la edad dependiendo de la perspectiva de la persona a la que se cuestione podrá ser de mayor o menor importancia, Pero sigue siendo un factor a considerar, en nuestro crecimiento como personas debemos enfrentarnos a un proceso de dudas de decisiones y de miedos, toparnos con paredes para conocer dónde se encuentra nuestros límites y una vez somos conscientes de ellos superarlos, pero no todo peleamos las mismas batallas. Ao No Flag plasma de una forma de Digna ese Crecimiento Personal de manera interna y de forma social, se toma el tiempo para describir sucesos que fungen como punto de partida para el derroche Emocional y Constante lucha que vivimos en esa etapa.__ Este manga se atreva a tocar temas que actualmente se mantienen Estereotipados o Conceptualizados de manera dañina pero no lo hace apuntando a la polémica sino como una guía que le grita a todos aquellos que pasan por dicha situaciones que "No Estas Solo", que tener esas dudas está bien que todos nos encontramos en un viaje para aceptarnos y nunca va a ser sencillo pero a su vez nadie además de nosotros puede dar el primer paso, no pretendo exagerar las cosas diciendo que esté manga solucionará los problemas de la juventud o que después de leerlo se tendrán las respuestas a cualquier incógnita porque no es así, no deja de ser una Historia dirigida al Entretenimiento y como cualquiera de este tipo tiene sus limitaciones sin embargo ese sentimiento de Calidez que llega a generar acompañado por esa Conexión tan fuerte referente a lo que leemos y pensamos crea un vínculo que te mantiene a la expectativa resolución de los personajes por conocer un poco más le decimos a gritar lo que sientes por ser una mejor versión de ti cada día y todo ello es gracias al Gran manejo que el Autor le dio a su Manga Creando una Historia increíble acompañada por un dibujo de primer nivel en el que se preocupa por hasta el último detalle, el movimiento más pequeño o expresión más insignificante, por un planteamiento arriesgado en el que la narrativa va de un lado a otro explicado de manera detallada cada situación pensamiento conflicto resolución y dando sentido a todos los elementos expuestos.
Ao No Flag es un Gran Manga que yo le recomiendo ampliamente incluso Les recomiendo que lo recomienden ya que su Lectura es una experiencia bastante agradable y no es una historia que busque estancarse en estereotipos suma bastante a un Género que de forma equivoca se piensa totalmente plano y cíclico cómo lo es el Romance en la Adolescencia.
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- (4/5)
Ended inApril 8, 2020
Trending Level 1
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