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December 10, 2014
She happens to meet him for the first time. They didn't know a thing about each other, yet they are so in love...
18/100A one-shot that makes you question the pacing of relationships.Continue on AniListAnd today's romance tip of the day is, "Don't rush into things!" I mean, if you're going to fall in love with someone, you should at least take the time to get to know them before deciding that you want to be with them for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, some people don't even seem to realize this simple fact, as a specific one-shot manga demonstrates. To be perfectly honest, I only read this one-shot in the first place because of how low of a score it has on MAL; it's the second-lowest-rated manga on MAL, as a matter of fact, right above the manga adaptation of "High School Musical"! It felt like the obvious choice was to read it and see how bad it was (also demonstrating how much I tend to make bad decisions)....and holy crud, do I have some things to say about it now that I have!
Ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention as I explain how "Zannen nagara Chigaimasu" teaches us about the pacing of relationships.
One day, while going up an escalator, a girl has a "chance encounter" with a guy who tells her to meet him at the top of the escalator. (I honestly can't remember either of their names, which is actually kind of funny for reasons that I will explain later.) When they do meet up, it turns out that the girl is still in high school while the guy is 29, meaning that they're over a decade apart in age; however, from this encounter alone, the two come to the conclusion that they can't be without each other. Thus, they fill out a marriage application, but get this; they don't even know each other's names before they decide to get married! (Now you know why it's funny that I can't remember their names. Haha.) Then, they kiss, and it's implied that they have sex. The end.
I'm sorry, but it's really hard to take a plot like this seriously. I mean, they literally just met each other and took no time to get to know each other, and then, bada-bing bada-boom, they're getting married? These two skipped so many crucial steps in making a relationship work that it's kind of hard NOT to make fun of it! Because of this, I don't hate the story as much as I could be hating it, but there's no excusing how rushed this one-shot is, whether it's the story or the relationship. I know that the manga artist only had a few pages to tell a one-chapter story, but couldn't a FEW of those pages been used to allow them to get to know each other better instead of the whole "I have to be with you forever even though I literally just met you" crap?
Ironically, not only does the couple not take the time to get to know each other, we, the readers, barely get to know either of the two characters other than their ages and their feelings for each other; heck, we barely get to know their names! As a result of this lack of characterization, I found myself not caring about either character. What's worse, however, is their chemistry; I feel no sparks between them, and they don't look like their "marriage" is going to work out in the long run. Speaking of looks, although the artwork is the best part of the whole manga, it's not by much; although it's mostly just standard shoujo manga artwork, there are some moments, the escalator scene in particular, where the proportions and angles look kind of off. Really, Kotomi Aoki? You've worked on plenty of shoujo manga before this one; shouldn't your art have improved from all of that experience?
If Houkago no Shokuinshitsu is the short anime you should watch only if you're in the mood for making fun of something, then Zannen nagara Chigaimasu is the short manga you should read for that same purpose; one may be yaoi while the other is hetero, but both of them are "love stories" you can't take seriously about couples with zero chemistry. With that being said, go ahead and read Zannen nagara Chigaimasu if that's your agenda, but otherwise, stay as far away from it as possible. After all, if you're going to expect a manga about a couple getting married without even knowing each other's names to actually be good, not only will you be disappointed, but you will be questioning everything you have ever known about the pacing of relationships.
20/100I did it again... I found another love story that's worse than Twilight...Continue on AniListWarning: This is a spoiler review. It's also really old. I found it when scrolling through the very few pages of my old blog that have been saved by the Wayback machine. It was originally written February 27, 2016. I'm pretty sure this is the only manga review I've ever done.
It’s that time of the year again, folks…We’re just now drifting out of one of the most depressing days of the year. For single people and people stuck in bad relationships, or just teenagers too young to understand romance, Valentine’s day can be just unbearable. But that’s okay, because thanks to the world of fiction, there are a ton of romantic stories we can envelop ourselves in, as we fantasize about the perfect love that we’ll likely never have.
This, unfortunately, is where bad romance literature comes from… Lonely people want stories about make-believe people who vaguely remind them of themselves at some point in their lives experiencing the greatest romance in history. Bored housewives and teenage girls set on their way to becoming bored housewives get paranormal romance stories, and aging virginal men who’ve never experienced intimacy on any level will flock to dude-books, magical girlfriend anime, and whatever the hell Red Ellen was. These are mostly harmless expressions of sexual desire, but can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
Last year, I released my list of the top ten worst anime romances… A list of the loves in anime that genuinely bothered me, for whatever reason. Since then, it’s become not only one of my most successful posts, but one of my most controversial ones, as well. Which I’m fine with. I always stand by my decisions(Although my top ten best characters should be redone at some point), but if there’s a romance out there that’s worse than my material from that list, I should still give it the time of day. As it happens, a few months ago, somebody on Gaia made a thread about what she called the worst manga ever written, and a quick glance at the cover immediately tells me that it’s a romance doujin.
Is it really bad enough to earn my recognition? Let’s take look.
According to the first page, this story stars a frame-faced girl who looks very underaged and an older looking dude who looks suspiciously similar to Light Yagami. But before we can find out if these two characters are going to be our romantic focal point, we get two pages of ads saying that the translation company, Chibi Manga, is looking for help. I certainly hope they got it, I guess?
In any case, let’s get started. The very first line of text in this is very telling of just how bad Chibi Manga needs that editor they were just begging for. The first line is “He’s not THAT handsome that would make people have their jaws drop in awe.” There are so many good ways to translate this line. It could have been worded anywhere from “He’s not THAT jaw-droppingly handsome” to “He’s not THAT hadsome… It’s not like everyone’s jaws are dropping.” Either way would have been better.
Our main character comes in, after an extreme Shyamalan style close-up. She’s at the base of an escalator, which keeps going “Rappangi Rappangi” as it moves her upwards. At the top of the steps is our Light look-a-like, looking at his watch as people chatter around him. He catches the girl’s eye, and as they’re about to pass like to ships in the night, she catches his. That’s about when the unthinkable happens… He reaches across the barrier, grabs her shoulder, and says “Wait for me upstairs.”
Now, if we get over the initial creepiness of this move, it’s not all that romantic, really. I mean, if you’re really taken with this girl, don’t make her wait for you… Turn around and walk up the down escalator! Run up those bad boys to show her what you’re willing to do for her! Either way, I can’t resist saying this… “That escalated quickly.”
We finally get the title card, with text from the girl thanking Cupid for her meet-cute, but questioning his judgement in the pairing. Which speaks volumes about what we’re getting ourselves into. Not only does this confirm that these two are our lovers, but it also admits that they probably shouldn’t be. Hey lady, you know you have a will of your own, right? You don’t have to fall in love with an adult stranger just because he’s good looking, and you shouldn’t blame Cupid when you do. You have agency, use it.
The adult is shocked to find out over coffee that his muse is only 18, which… I doubt that was her original age. I’m gonna throw out a guess that the English editors probably bumped up her age to avoid controversy. They’re not getting along at first, as he’s embarrassed to have made such an obvious move on a high schooler, and she fires back by calling him uncle. If it wasn’t for the cupid line on the last page, I’d be positive about the way this story was heading, but… Eh?
He reluctantly reveals himself to be 29 years old, remarking that he was graduating high school just as she was beginning elementary school, which just sounds like the most romantic damn line in the world, doesn’t it? Oh, but he’s still flustered, because despite the breaking down of their chemistry, he still thinks they’re flirting, and he still wants to “Take her to his room…” Or, to be more direct, to bang her. They’re both still interested in each other, and they never want to be separated from each other again. Man, couple really start to hit their romantic stride after about thirty minutes, don’t they?
The adult claims he’s going to be committing sexual misconduct, which is confusing seeing as how she’s supposed to be 18, and she claims she can legally marry, which offers more proof to my theory from earlier, that she’s not as old as the English version is portraying her as. She’s gotta be between 15 and 17, and they’re going to use marriage as an excuse to legally sleep together, which WAIT, WHAT THE HELL?! MARRIAGE? DID I JUST SKIP OVER SOMETHING HERE?
He claims his position doesn’t allow him to break any laws… Yep! She was definitely intended to be underaged! Why didn’t the English editors take out all references to the girl’s age, if they were going to bump it up?
The two of then sign a marriage certificate, whereupon they… and the audience, for that matter… learn each others’ names. Because that’s not something you’d wanna know beforehand, or anything. I think we’ve done it, folks, we’ve found a worse love story than Twilight. They comment on this, wondering what’s wrong with them, and decide to try and get to know each other. first question, from the man to the girl: “Are you a virgin?”
She says no, he switches on, and pulls her in for a kiss. It’s not her first kiss, though, and… The end! That’s seriously where this manga leaves off! What do their parents think? Where are they going to live? Do they wind up having any chemistry? Or perhaps the most important question, who wrote this piece of shit?
Oh, and that’s not hyperbolic, either… That’s literally the most important question I can think to ask about. The identity of the person who wrote this doujin is a very clear deciding factor in whether it’s creepy or not. If it was written by someone the girl’s age, that’s not so bad… Teenagers often fantasize about older people they find attractive, I know I did. If that’s the case, then this doujin is just a step up from steamy fantasies and diary entries. On the other hand, if it was written by someone the dude’s age, we’re looking at some serious signs of ephebophilia, here. Some old dude coming up with an unrealistic situation in which an underaged girl falls madly in love with him at first glance, and wants to bone him so much that she’ll marry him without even learning his name? That truly would make this one of the worst love stories I’ve ever seen. I can’t really call it the worst doujin I’ve ever read, as it AT LEAST wasn’t a hentai, but it is definitely a worse love story than Twilight.
0/100Why? Just why? I'm very concerned. Never have I seen such a blatant attempt at grooming as portrayed here.Continue on AniListSo, I needed something to read after I finished Yona because I have to read something horrible after reading something that good so that I can enjoy things normally. Fortunately one of my beloved mutuals recommended this to me, and now I'm cured!
I thought I wouldn't review the bad thing I read, but this was so awful and rage inducing that I had to. ♡ This will be my first review to contain spoilers since it's a oneshot, and no one should read this anyway.
So the story is this guy sees a girl on the escalator, and he instantly falls in love. He taps her on the shoulder and tells her that he wants to meet with her at the top. She goes along with it, which I guess is fair. I'd personally run in the opposite direction because I don't talk to strangers, let alone strange men.
He says he's in love with her, and then he finds out her age: 18 and she's still in high school. I refuse to believe she was originally 18. I feel like she was 16 and that they aged her up in the translation. He's 29, though he initially tries to lie about it saying he's 25.
He basically wants to sleep with her, but he can't since she's still a minor? That's what I got from it, and he can't do anything illegal because of his job. This is part of why I don't feel like she's 16.
It's so obvious that he's trying to take advantage of her it makes me sick. She looks young, too! Like she could be 14-15! And he keeps talking about taking her to a hotel room. Heck, the first question he asks her other than her age, is "Are you a virgin". And that isn't an appropriate question to ask someone you just met, let alone a child!
Something else that didn't sit with me was the emphasis on her trying to seem mature, since a lot of predators try to make their victims think they're mature for their ages and thus can date adults. It just doesn't sit right with me.
And then she realizes that she's old enough to legally marry, and then they go sign a wedding certificate and kiss! The End!
I don't even think you learn the characters' names! They know nothing about each other! Literally nothing!
This man is a red flag if he pulls aside a girl on the street, asks to sleep with her, and then keeps trying to get with her even though she's actually underaged?
The older Brothers Conflict characters are angels in comparison to this man, and they are just monstrosities in and of themselves.
The art isn't even that pretty. I don't think either one has a decently interesting design.
This isn't even me bashing age-gap manga. I've been enjoying Takane & Hana and Promised Cinderella. Just this one has such unsafe undertones it makes me uncomfortable.
Don't read it. I'd rather read the Among Us manga or rewatch The Kissing Booth than read this again. I'm very scared for whoever wrote it.
- (1.15/5)
Ended inDecember 10, 2014
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