October 9, 2010
A comedic dark fantasy about vampire clans, a vampire princess, and the man who hunts them!
"Dear ladies and gentlemen of Japan! I apologize for asking such a mundane question, but do you all believe in vampires?"
"I beg your pardon. It seems I'm a bit tardy in identifying myself. My name is Gerhard Von Balstein. I am a vampire, entrusted with the Island of Growerth and bestowed with the title of 'viscount.' Instead of introducing myself, I thought I might recount the story of a disturbance which occurred on my island. Or might I say, please allow me to tell you since I have some time on my hands."
"Whether you believe my story or not, I'm sure it is as clear as daylight that I am not a person. At any rate, my body is..."
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)
Gerhardt von Waldstein
Mihail Dietrich
Relic von Waldstein
Ferret von Waldstein
Watt Stalf
Theodosius Melhilm Waldstein
Rudi Wenders
Pirie Mistwalker
Dorothy Nifas
Pamela Rosskleim
Horst Gedeck
Selim Vergès
Melhilm Herzog
Doubs Hewley
Aiji Ishibashi
Theresia Riefenstahl
Yellow Bridgestone
Valdred Ivanhoe
Garde Ritzberg
Shizune Kijima
Hilda Dietrich
Romy Mars
Traugott Geissendorfer
Caldimir Aleksandrov
85/100Great characters and character interactions. Somewhat predicable story structure.Continue on AniListI have mixed feelings about this work.
For starters if your familiar with Narita's works such as Baccano! or Durarara!! then the story structure would be all too familiar. Which unfortunately results in a lack of tension since you know that in all likely-hood no one will end up dying. As well that the entire conflict would most likely be resolved in the end. In an event that would involve most of the characters encountered thus far.
But setting that aside damn are the characters great. There is no one in the cast that I really dislike... (with the exception of that Melhilm bastard) and the cast bounces so nicely off each other, that it's just pure pleasure to read. I mean for crying out load one of the most awesome, calculated and energetic characters is the Lord of the village's Castle and is often call the lord of the night. He worked as the leader of the Organization, which is the biggest known gathering of vampires. His name is Viscount Gerhardt von Waldstein and he is just a sentient pool a blood that is able to control it's self with telekinesis. Other Vampires include flowers, pumpkins, arachnids, chihuahua, robots, and even an officer of the organization Nick named "The Deep deep deep Blue" who is a Megalodon vampire. Other "more human" characters are plentiful and make up most of the cast, but in terms of personality they can be just as "out there". The most remarkable thing about this work is how such crazy characters can seem so... how would I put it... "real" not in terms of there nature, but how they interact with the world, how grounded they seem and just how much their arcs are able to engage you. I swear Narita should work as character designer and dialog writer for like everything. But as good as the characters are and as griping as their individual arcs tend to be my thoughts are that the cast is just a bit too big be easily manage. Especially when the Organization, which consist of over 300 officers decides to have a meeting.Overall I like these novels a hell of a lot, but i can't help feeling that with such a "dark" world involving murderous vampires and vampire eaters (vampire hunters) that it's a bit of a loss opportunity for Narita to cut back and give a Game of Thrones like treatment to the over-size cast. None the less, GIVE ME MORE VAMP!
NOVEL FantasyVampire Miyu
NOVEL ActionEtsusa Bridge
- (3.05/5)
Ended inOctober 9, 2010
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