June 4, 2010
There's an urban legend that says late at night, sometimes a young girl dressed in gothic lolita clothing will appear by garbage dumps to ask a question. Any who answer will, without fail, die a twisted death. And tonight, another young boy will find himself enveloped by this horror...
(Source: Yen Press)
Each volume contains a side-story chapter.
Remina Kanbe
Kazuki Itou
Hikari Itou
70/100Enjoyably gory slasher with an appropriate amount of creepiness. My little sister can't be this horrifically violent!Continue on AniListIbitsu is a horror manga by Haruto Ryou. It's not a mystery, it's not a thriller, it's not psychological, it's just straight up horror. In the sense that there is a horrifying monster, and the entire purpose or goal of our characters is to succeed
or failin escaping its murderous rampage unharmed.This is without a doubt, not a unique story at all. "There's a creepy person hanging around at night. Oh, now that I've interacted with them, they seem to have become obsessed with me and started stalking me. I sure hope this doesn't escalate!" If you're looking for an original or interesting story with well developed and fleshed out characters...
I have some bad news for you.
This is a slasher. And I should add that it is completely unrepentant about it, as well. Like I could just go ahead and spend this entire review going...
- "No person would actually respond to this woman. They would immediately run away at full speed on first contact."
- "The police are completely fucking flippant and basically tells two teenagers to fuck off when they try and actually get help because a murderous psychopath is stalking and attacking them."
- "Why would they ever think going to an abandoned mental hospital in the dead of night is a good idea?"
- "Why was the cell phone unable to send a message if there was reception and how did the monster woman know about it?"
But with things of this sort, you just need to shut your brain off about that sort of thing. If you've read any of my previous reviews, that may or may not come off as incredibly hypocritical since I tend to deconstruct and tear entire series apart via questions like those but... again, this is a fucking slasher. You don't sit down and view a slasher for the plot.
For the record, the thing where the monster character is like RIGHT next to the character that's hiding and is forcing to keep themselves from screaming is probably one of my favorite things.
Usually, you sit down to watch the slasher terrorize and murder these characters. Probably the best case scenario is actually being interested or wanting to see the tables be turned on the slasher or the very least one or more of the characters actually escaping safe and sound.
The execution of Ibitsu is basically its saving grace. The gothic lolita "little sister" is a massively tall and intimidating presence. She oozes creepiness. It's a cheap and almost stereotypical creepiness, but it works nonetheless. She's weird, she's creepy, she's disgusting, and she is a psychopath. And of course, as a slasher, she is fully equipped and prepared to carry out her purpose.
It all depends on the execution, and in my opinion, it more or less is pretty great. The gore's efficiently horrible and usually disgusting. Like the stuff that tends to usually get to me is more the bloodless stuff. Over the top explosions of blood are more fun than anything else for me at this point. But the thought of someone taking a sledge hammer and taking out my knee the exact moment I walk towards them... or like the part where she only hits JUST the side of the girl's foot with the sledgehammer.
Yeah, no thanks! I'll take decapitations, severed limbs, and blood explosions any day!
This is of course humorous hyperbole, I genuinely would rather not be decapitated either.But yeah if you want to read something pretty entertaining (and your idea of being entertained includes getting disgusted and viewing a bunch of horrific gore and violence), I would certainly recommend Ibitsu. Ultimately some stuff didn't work for me, and I think that final chunk of the story would have worked a lot better if it had been extended... Ibitsu was surprisingly enjoyable for what it is. And apart from the generally enjoyable creepiness or chase scenes, there is some stuff I really love in this thing. Specifically that he left it up to our imagination of what happened to the actual little sister once she was dragged off. I expected the monster little sister to eventually show the brother her corpse or something later, but thankfully that was surprisingly avoided. The idea of a character just getting dragged off into the darkness as their final appearance is way creepier than actually seeing their death sometimes.
I give Ibitsu a 7 out of 10. It's not amazing, but it's not bad. It's fun. And to be frank, I could do with some more fun horror, if I'm gonna be honest. A sledgehammer wielding murderous little sister who gets by on a diet primarily consisting of dog soup.
I'm down with it!
90/100Sem palavras kkkkk mas não é ruimContinue on AniListEu não odeio quase nada, para mim tanto faz Essa é uma review feita como base no que eu achei, então não esperem critcas profissionais de um profissional de anime ou coisa do tipo.
História - Não é uma história ruim, é até que assustadora dependendo do seu ponto de vista, sobre fantasmas, irmãs e burrice, mas convenhamos geralmente personagens de histórias de terror são muito burros, a história teve uns plots fodas e umas reviravoltas bem escritas, sinceramente não achei tão assustadora assim, por algum motivo da natureza até que gostei da personagem, no caso a garota da lenda urbana
(espero que ela não aparece aqui a noite)talvez tenha sido por causa do ódio que senti pelo protagonista e seu senso de justiça, mas ele estava em uma situação complicada até que dá entender, mas enfim não gostei dele. Foi a primeira história de terror que li, então acho que vou recomendar para quem tá começando a querer ler história de terror, um demônio que quer ser tornar sua irmã, no começo é algo bem estranho e esquisito, e continua assim até o final kkkk, mas no fim nem é ruim, além disso o final de certa forma e extraordinário, não acho que você iria odiar, não foi algo esperado, a história simplesmente continuo seu progresso.Arte - Eu achei muito bem desenhado é boa, principalmente os traços das expressões de desesperos dos personagem.
Olha isso, lindo é assustador ao mesmo tempo, a arte se encaixa perfeitamente nesse mangá, as roupas dela, os olhos vazio, sua expressão, perfect, os cenários do mangá são desenhados de forma sombria, então ele se encaixa perfeitamente nesse conceito.
Personagens Sinceramente a história da Lolita foi muito boa, ela continuo sendo ela até o final, o que vimos não se passa de outra história, não teve começo nem fim, ela é apenas ela. E os outros personagem? não tenho muito o que falar sobre eles, o protagonista para mim é muito inconsequente, desesperado, burro, ele não fez nada que deveria ser feito em uma situação como aquela, além de burrice, mas enfim, personagem de obras de terror.
Sendo sincera teve algumas partes que eu ri muito, não sei se era para rir mas foi cômico, talvez você entenda caso chegue lá.
Minha conclusão É um história de terror leve, leve no sentido de não ser tão assustadora, tem algumas cenas que realmente são estranhas e dão medo, ou você se sente desconfortável, mas tem outras cenas que você dá risadas é isso kkkk, é uma leitura rápida, se você é fã de histórias de terror essa é bem legalzinha, e acho que foi uma das primeira que li.
Para mim de todos os personagem dessa obra, acho que a Lolita é a melhor, mesmo sendo esquisita desse jeito.
ONE SHOT HorrorKurenai Kuraki
MANGA DramaZashiki Onna
MANGA DramaHappy Sugar Life
- (3.2/5)
Ended inJune 4, 2010
Favorited by 144 Users