December 22, 2016
23 min
"Keijo" is a popular gambling sport where contestants stand on platforms floating on the water and must use their butts and chests to fight against each other to push each other off the platform. Nozomi Kaminashi, a high school student, aims to join the sport after she graduates. Nozomi was raised in a poor family and hopes to make lots of money by playing Keijo. She grew up training in gymnastics, and she has good balance and flexibility.
After high school, Nozomi joins a training boarding school and enters the world of Keijo.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Nozomi Kaminashi
Sayaka Miyata
Mao Ichimichi
Kazane Aoba
Kaede Hondo
Non Toyoguchi
Saori Oonishi
Mio Kusakai
Hibiku Yamamura
Hanabi Kawai
Rena Maeda
Kyouko Shirayuki
Masumi Asano
Kotone Fujisaki
Shizuka Ishigami
Maya Sakashiro
Ayako Kawasumi
Rin Rokudou
Rie Takahashi
Sanae Hououin
Ikumi Hayama
Saya Kogatana
Rina Kitagawa
Miku Kobayakawa
Youko Hikasa
Usagi Tsukishita
Minami Tanaka
Nagisa Ujibe
Mabuki Andou
Kaho Fuyuzora
Minami Tanaka
Atsuko Yoshida
Natsumi Fujiwara
Nami Nanase
Yuka Iguchi
Satomi Shiomi
Satomi Satou
Hitomi Hokuto
Akiko Kimura
Akari Fuyuzora
Eri Suzuki
Midori Morimoto
Juri Kimura
Ayase Kurogiri
Atsumi Tanezaki
Mai Itoeda
Kana Yuuki
Hikari Muromachi
Azumi Asakura
62/100best sport anime everContinue on AniListWarning this review may contain spoilers.
First impression, I never thought it would be possible that there was a show that I actually was looking forward to 100%.
And it actually gave me exactly what I wanted.Story,6/10
Over 100 years ago,
a sport was played With skill and honer, so many have played
Only the mightiest of Warriors have played this sport.
They risked there very lives and dreams in order to be the best,
The fallen would be Crushed and forgotten,
But the winners would have there names and deeds sung though the very halls of VALHALLA itself.
But where not talking about that sport,
We are talking about a sport that is way more important.
The sport named kejio where girls fight in a pool only using them tites and ass as weapons of battle.
Basically a mix between dead or alive extreme and water polo.Join Nozomi Kaminashi a very talented gymnast who plans to fight her way to the top in order to get her family out of poverty,
While making new friends and meeting new rivals on her path to becoming a kejio master.So as a lot of you can guess this is probably one of the most ridiculous premises for a story I have ever heard of to date,
And despite all that it actually decent for a story which I have to turn off my Brain for in order to watch it,
Now I am also not saying that's its savor of anime or it's the cancer of anime like a lot of people are saying it is,
Although I feel that those take those stances are kind of loosening the point of it.
But if I am being completely honest the only thing this saved me from was my complete boredom because watching this anime season was draining.But the story for all intents and purposes kejio is of its self is just one giant meme a joke.
Which doesn't require much thought than the usual,
oh look there dong something over the top with boobs and ass again.
And there some sort of plot that keeps it going.Now One can argue that it exploiting woman and all that other p.c culture crap.
Of course I feel that a very little nit pick.
But I would like add a counter point,
That sex sells and that not going to change anytime soon,
Unless all the sex drives just disappear all out of no where.Plus I would like to add that this show isn't always about fan service.
it also about following your dreams and ambitions,
While having fun on the way,
And honestly that makes it more interesting and actually relatable.All though I was more watching it for the pure abserdy of it all.
I mean how can I not treat it was such.
It's a story based around a spot with girls slamming there asses into each over.Now I have been mostly positive.
It's time for the negatives.
Now even I do find it extremely funny,
I feel at times that it looses stream at times and the joke starts to become less funny as it goes along.I would also like to add that the pacing is quite off at times,
Like there some parts like In the first few episodes which kind of went a bit to fast and there where other time where the pacing slows down because there trying to make up for a fast pace,
It really find it hard to keep to a steady pace.
I also think that could toned down on the talking and info dumps,
the first episode we where explained the basics and how the game was played,
But than later on in the same episode they repeat the exact same thing.
Which is bother some when I came here to see crazy over the top bull shit.That other that that there really nothing much else to say.
Characters 6/10
The main character Nozomi.
I would probably say she a very fun led to follow.
With her very I wouldn't say interesting,
But very energetic personally that kind of grows on you over time.
And also very determined to follow her dreams which makes her quite relatable to any one who trying to follow your dreams.The side characters.
Are very fun and kinda over the top.
And actually have some sort of personality.
Which is always a plus.
There not the most interesting cast,
But are very fun to follow and that's how they should be.But there really much else to them than that.
The animation looks very polished and dynamic.
It also has very nice flash to it.It had some really great boob and ass shots.
It has a very over the top style
Which adds to the fight scenes to any run of the mail activity.
Which it makes over the top.The characters design are quite nice,
Sound, 6/10
The op and ending I actually quite like which actually shocking because I general very fussy when it comes to sougs I like.
Other than the kick ass op and nice ending the rest of the ost is pretty forgettable.
The ost was done by matsuo hayato who has done the ost for drifters and cyborg 009.The dub and sub are both fine.
I feel what really made me enjoy this anime.
Was the fact that is show is so unapologetic about how sexual and over the top is about every thing,
This show doesn't give a fuck and I found that aspect of it very endearing.
And also the fact that is show feels like it was made to have fun.Overall, 6/10
If your looking for something insane and over the top then kejio is definitely what your looking for.
If you are a SJW or someone that doesn't understand that this is just for fun.
Or don't like fan service or any of the elk then probably don't watch thisCodeBlazeFate
72/100This anime is truly a romp of 2016 that will be remembered for a long time.Continue on AniList"I like big butts and I cannot lie. My other brothers can't deny." -Sir Mix-a-Lot, 1992
SJW's beware! The booty has called! Alright men (and ladies, if you're into that sort of thing), let's jump into this pool of ass-ridden glory!
...I need a thesaurus
2016 was a crazy ass year. We had our first orange president, the internet collectively got more PC than ever before, and best of all, we got Rogue One, the best movie of the year. So, what better way to end it than with the Jojo's Bizzzare Adventure of sports anime...but with loads of crazy-ass fan service. I may have a little bit of bias towards this show. I am just a filthy male! So, did this booty-licious romp pay off? Well, let's find out, shall we?
Basically, this is an underdog sports story about 4 girls training to be accepted as elites and eventually, being true pride to their school: a school that teaches KEIJO!!!!!!!! You need a lot to truly make this kind of story stand out, and unfortunately, this is Keijo's (not very) fatal flaw. Despite all of the amounts of tits and ass in full, glorious display here, the story beats present don't necessarily come off as new, and since some things (like asspull power-ups, how after almost a year in which part of the training regimen is sit-ups, very few of them have ass, the way our final opponent changes hair due to personality change despite the fact that that's now how that works, how in the finale, Nozomi spams a dangerous attack multiple times but feels no pain, how they often forget that they can use their boobs to attack since the only two things you're allowed to use are the tits and dah bootay, etc) make no sense, even for the show's logic, I gotta put aside my manly urges and knock this story down a peg.
That being said, some of the things that happen here are...unique. Not only does this show has some puny ass arcs, but the powers can definitely be creative. I mean, Gate of Bootylan? Butt-tack on Titan? This show makes more bouts of bad puns than Yang from RWBY, and that is saying a lot. Also, sometimes, just to mix things up, they make one of our protagonists lose in a way that feels downright unfair (Aoba in episode 10). Plus, the major tone-shift in the first half of episode 12 can give such a whiplash, that if it was directed at my ass, that booty would be red as hell. I also wish that there would've been some buildup to the Ease and West War tournament that takes up the last 1/3 of the series. However, let it not be said that I like the sheer escalation of events. With each arc, the protagonists make it by the skin of their teeth, but each arc's obstacles are much more kickass and brutal than that of the previous one. Plus, as the series goes on, the absurdity of these crazy ass moves increases exponentially, and to glorious results in each of the battles in the last 4 episodes. It's ridiculous. It's absurd. It's...not enough to save the story all things considered, despite how tragic some of the characters' pasts (like Maya) can be, and how nice the ending is. Now, off with that boring ass thing we call: reasonable criticism. This is KEIJO!!!!!!!!
Nozomi is a hot-blooded protagonist that ends up having to work her butt off just to keep up with each new groundbreaking opponent, ad she is a total romp! I especially love the fact that instead of the classic protagonist motivations (I wanna be stronger, I wanna be the best), she just wants to be rich. Sayaka is a rival of hers who wants approval of her father while keeping up with her peers, no matter how much stress and offense she takes in the process. Aoba starts off really shy, but through her fucked up powers and acceptance by her peers, she becomes much more confident. Plus, the lucky sod gets all the ass! Non is your cutely and clumsy big tittied gal, but instead of just hurting herself with her clumsiness, she puts everyone through hell, both through near-death accidents, or knocking coffee on a white bed. Then, she has the nerve to make all sorts of excuses justifications in an attempt at bravado. My favorite thing about these girls is the fact that they actually have dialects! How many times have you seen an anime that does that with its MCs. It does this with Maya as well, but we'll get to that lovely lady in a bit.
Mio is probably my favorite character. She is a total lech (have you seen how she gets around cute girls?!), more so than most men of this archetype, but she is also one of the ultimate badasses in this show. She is the crux of some of the funniest moments of the show (like her few second of punishment in episode 5). Not to mention, that she is the most beautiful, and fight me IRL if you disagree! I would definitely want a piece of her ass in bed! Well, not really, but she is my favorite here. Then we have a few quirky characters like Kawai (sinister in battle, but a total romantic dork), Kotone (lover of gay hentai), Saya (swordsman-like beauty who shows up in episode 11 for a badass moment of awesome) Usagi (fangirl of Mio, and possibly lesbo for her), Yuko ( who, along with Aoba, has the curse of just never being able to win) Nagisa (our coach who was once a pro at this sport, as well as Nozomi's predator of the Butt Vacuum Wave technique), Kyoko (badass teacher and Kyoto's butt missile lady), and Rin (overconfident, but, umm, she doesn't have any real quirks). Some are more interesting than others, but (and they all have big butts) they are generally a very endearing cast with plenty of life in them.
Maya is an interesting one. Undoubtedly the second most beautiful mistress here, she is originally mysterious (not without accidentally revealing her crazy dialect that pops up on occasion), and with a rushed yet harsh past. She fights for her mama (who coaches a rival school) due to said mama being the first to accept her, and she even has a harsher alternate personality hell-bent on protecting her and her ass, while being a bit more violent, shall we say. Unfortunately, none of her peers are nearly as interesting aside from their powers. Well, let it not be said that they made for some epic fights.
Xebec is famous for their work on the tit and ass filled romp known as To Love-RU. Well, they definitely brought their expertise to this show. It is loaded with that stuff! Plus, the action is pretty cool to look at, and the rough outlines make this show's look stick out, like a competitor's ass while wearing one of these swimsuits. It makes sure that the hits that connect are all hard-hitting, and full of impact. Unfortunately, the CGI in some moments (like the KEIJO lands in the first few episodes) is utter ass. That being said, this show truly embraces its insanity, with the art being no exception.
The OP, "DREAM x SCRAMBLE" by AIRI is energetic as hell, and with the proper amount of T&A to really set the tone for this series. We can't forget the song that takes up the rump of each episode, the ED. Today, we have "Fantas/HIP Girlfriends!" by the VA's of our main 4 ladies, and it is a delightfully cheery song to cool us off after the as(s)inine experience we just went through. Too bad literally none of the background OST was remotely memorable! Such a shame, too. The dub is pretty good here. The kept the dialect of these kooky characters, and with some mostly well-casted fresh new talent to take up the mains while standout veterans like Monica Rial (who plays Hitomi) pepper some of the supporting roles to help out with the quality just in case. It's a pretty solid dub, which is an absolute necessity for us foreigners who wanna hear our lovely ladies in a less foreign language.
Some of the jokes got a bit old, and I did have a few big questions, but, as I said, this show busted its rump to bring us a fun ol' time here. It was a blast to see just how crazy each new event would get, reminding me of my time with Gurren Lagann, which is a good thing to be reminded of. The fights could get really freakin' fun, and I found myself laughing my ass off at some of the jokes and weird sht that went on here (not always for the right reasons, but hey, it worked). Sure, it wasn't truly epic for me, and I could've covered its ground a bit better so assholes like me would stop asking questions, but it was still a good time. Plus, the second half of the ending really put an endeared smile on my face. Then again, I am just a filthy male, and this anime is* the pinnacle of class.
This anime is truly a romp of 2016 that will be remembered for a long time. With its crazy moves, its absurd fanservice, and its sheer tenASSity, all our gripes with the Fall 2016 season have been rendered superfluous. Besides, as Suave from AnimeAbandon puts it: "The 13-year-old in me thinks this is hilarious and dumb, and at the end of the day, that's all we really asked for." Well, with all that said, with this final word count, I bid you adieu.
Booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere, booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere, booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere, body booty-" -Barney Stinson's booty call phone, 2012.
77/100I want ass. I crave ass. I yearn for ass.Continue on AniListAre you tired of reading wall after wall of pretentious text?
Do you just want to know if you should watch the darn show?
Me too.TLDR
Take the classic sports anime formula and replace the beautiful men playing volleyball with beautiful women pounding each others’ asses with their own asses. Keijo with eight exclamation points is an amazing, balls to the wall experience that manages to hide its flaws by turning the ridiculous meter up to maximum and then destroying the emergency off switch with a “Steel Lance Ass Attack”.
PLOT - Average And Predictable
The plot of Keijo is definitely its weakest aspect. If you ignore its gimmick of super sexual swimsuit sumo wrestling, you’re left with a surprisingly standard sports shounen story. The show is obviously supposed to be a parody of the genre, but followed the same underdog formula as most sports shows with little to no changes:
The plucky and optimistic main character saw an amazing match as a child that inspired them. With big dreams of becoming the number one player, they enrol in a school with the goal of learning the sport. The protagonist, who was nobody special at the beginning, manages to showcase their potential and forms a loyal group of friends. Through hard work and determination, they slowly train and improve their skills. At the end of the show, the main character and their teammates compete in a tournament against the best school in the country. As you can probably tell from this summary, there is no creativity to be found in the story side of things.
But let’s be real. Screw the story. You’re probably here because you want to look at tits, ass, and tight swimsuits. I won’t judge, so was I. If that’s what you want, you will walk out of the experience happy. There isn’t any explicit nudity (nipples or genitalia) but the whole show is built around using one’s butt or boobs to knock their opponent over, so you’ll see tons of body parts that are technically censored or covered. Swimsuits get damaged during matches, special moves often require “powering up”, and the show’s page on the Anime Bath Scene Wiki has some great screenshots that I’m not sure I can include in this review. What I probably can get away with though is a picture of the main character harvesting radishes with her ass.
CHARACTERS - Good Enough
The main characters consist of the outgoing, determined protagonist with a lot to prove, the cool and composed friend, the shy one who’s actually really smart, and the idiot. Some of the supporting characters include the horny one, the really buff one, the one that speaks in engrish, the loli, and the tomboy.
This description might sound like the cast of every show ever and you’d be right in thinking that. There’s definitely not a lot of innovation in the characters but they do the job. Despite not being super unique, they still made me feel hype during the hype moments and sad during the sad moments. Their victories felt like my victories, I was invested in their growth, and I wanted them to succeed. Honestly, all this show needed was average characters and nothing more. The whole point of Keijo is to deliver good, dumb fun and this cast absolutely provided that.
The show normally looks pretty average but that’s only because the studio saved their budget for the matches. Keijo matches are more like fights than sports matches, and are super dynamic. They’re filled with insane effects, bold outlines, great animation, and tons of movement. Every attack has weight and speed behind it and you can really feel the impacts when they land.
Attacks have ridiculous names such as “Vacuum Butt Cannon” and “Butt Missile Stance 5: Anal Probe Missile” with visual flair to match. They also reference other anime with moves such as “Buttack on Titan” and “Gate of Bootylon”. The fights in Keijo were both epic and hilarious as hell to watch. I lost track of how many times I burst out laughing from how absurd it was, and the high quality of the action scenes really added to the atmosphere the show builds.
The OP rocks and got me pumped up for the episode but wasn’t super memorable. I definitely wouldn’t listen to it outside of the anime. I personally would have liked it to be more insanely hype and loud, which would have added to the epic over the top vibe that the show tries to go for. All in all though, the opening song is good enough and I can't fault it too much.
I just mentioned that I wanted super over the top sounds to match the rest of the show, and the sound design during fights does exactly that. Every attack that could possibly benefit from having sounds thrown in like robotic stomping, impact noises, dogs snarling, and explosion noises has them (this is supposed to be a wrestling anime btw). It’s impossible for me to do it justice by just writing about it, but listening to the fights was just as enjoyable as watching them.
If you’re in the mood for some lighthearted, dumb ecchi fun and don’t mind a very traditional sports shounen storyline, you will enjoy this show a lot. It also helps if you appreciate a good fight scene or two.
I unfortunately haven’t seen any of these, but shows such as How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift, Iwakakeru Sport Climbing Girls, and Food Wars fit the bill of ecchi/sport or ecchi/shounen shows and probably scratch the same itch as Keijo.
Keijo is great. It kind of fails as a sports shounen parody because of its plot and characters, but more than makes up for it with the butts, fights, and absurd premise of the sport. This shit is absolutely idiotic and my primitive chimpanzee brain was hollering with delight from start to finish.
Visit my profile @groggy1 to give feedback or to see my other work
ANIME EcchiKandagawa JET GIRLS
ONA ComedyPlastic Nee-san
ANIME EcchiHarukana Receive
TV SHORT ComedyAnitore! EX
- (3.3/5)
Ended inDecember 22, 2016
Main Studio Xebec
Trending Level 3
Favorited by 1,331 Users
Hashtag #KEIJO #競女