June 28, 2013
24 min
This romantic comedy revolves around an antisocial high school student named Hikigaya Hachiman with a distorted view on life and no friends or girlfriend. When he sees his classmates talking excitedly about living their adolescent lives, he mutters: "They're a bunch of liars." When he is asked about his future dreams, he responds: "Not working." A teacher gets Hachiman to join the 'Volunteer Service' club, which happens to have the school's prettiest girl: Yukinoshita Yukino.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Hachiman Hikigaya
Takuya Eguchi
Yukino Yukinoshita
Saori Hayami
Yui Yuigahama
Nao Touyama
Shizuka Hiratsuka
Ryouka Yuzuki
Saika Totsuka
Mikako Komatsu
Komachi Hikigaya
Aoi Yuuki
Saki Kawasaki
Ami Koshimizu
Haruno Yukinoshita
Mai Nakahara
Yoshiteru Zaimokuza
Nobuyuki Hiyama
Hayato Hayama
Takashi Kondou
Yumiko Miura
Marina Inoue
Hina Ebina
Nozomi Sasaki
Rumi Tsurumi
Sumire Morohoshi
Meguri Shiromeguri
Azumi Asakura
Kakeru Tobe
Chado Horii
Taishi Kawasaki
Ayumu Murase
Ibuki Kido
Minami Sagami
Minako Kotobuki
Haruka Shiraishi
Megu Sakuragawa
Erii Yamazaki
Yoshihisa Kawahara
Minoru Shiraishi
Yoshihisa Kawahara

Not available on crunchyroll
63/100needs more meat and not be about high schoolsContinue on AniListWarming this review may contain spoilers.
First impressions, ok to be completely honest I only originally checked out this show because it had a trap it in and I liked all the memes that where coming from this series was what originally got my interest, but of course once I started watching it there was a lot more than to the series than I first thought.
(Also quick Side note i will be covering both seasons of the anime in this review)Story, 6/10
So in today's modern anime where half the series that are coming out are about ether about high schools or cute girls doing cute things how dose a series My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU stand out in a market which at this point has already reached peak inflation, besides being about a bitter, anti-social teenager named Hachiman forced into a school club called service club, the that help people fix their problems, totally haven't heard about this before a seruies about a high school student being forced into an excuse for plot club with cute girls and sarcasm aside.
The story is basically the three of them trying to fix poor, poor Japanese high school students problems and there some sort of love triangle forming because light novel. which at first thought I figured this is just going to be another generic school romantic comedy that I would forget in a week, and considering my experience with the medium you can't exactly blame me for having that viewpoint.
But i was very surprised in how even though this series is mostly about high school bullshit, i did find it interesting that this series actually talks and criticiszes human society. Well to be more specific it's more aless socal commenty and the problems that can arise which i find very interesting and the fact this series trys to more thought provoking than your average romantic school comady with teenagers is really impressive to say the least.
The ideas of don't always go with the crowd, be yourself and some people are going to be two-faced assholes. the fact it doesn't devolve into otaku culture to get it point across just adds weight to the commentary because whoever wrote this dose has this understanding of how people tick and doesn't use it for an excuse for edgelord bullshit, but more a less is telling you this is normal human behaviour and it isn't perfect, but that's fine because even if problems do come up there are ways to fix them to get around them.But the major prolem is even though it's a lot more thought provoking and actually trys to be interesting with its messages and etc, it is sadly constrained by the fact that at the end of the day it is still a teen romantic comedy in high school and you can only take it so far intill it implodes on itself, and another prolem I have with this series is that it has this meta commentary asspect where its makeing fun of the tropes and cliches of its genre, but also realays on sied tropes and cliches for its plot beat.
So comes off more like its mocking itself rather than any meaningful commentary on the subject and I for one hate that kind of humour in anime with a passion because it just isn't funny. When Hachiman is being an asshole that's when I find the series funny because I find his brand of no fucks given just comedy gold and this meta humour or references to other series just feels very forced.Speaking of forced the love triangle in this series between Hachiman, Yukino and Yui is the most forced thing In this series, because even though I find the "friendship" they forms together really sweet and endearing. But at the same time, I feel the romantic dynamic to there relationship feels tacked on for the sack of waifu wars or stretching out the story longer than it has to.
Characters, 6/10
When it comes to main charter Hachiman, he is a breath of fresh ear if you are used to the generic Japanese high schooler template that may series use nowadays. Becuase What makes Hachiman so great as a character is that he has a personality that you can define and isn't a just a blank self-insert.
He is this cynical, anti-social asshole that just doesn't give a fuck, and what him really interesting as a character is that despite the zero fucks personality. There is a part of him that does care for people, it's just most people misunderstand his intentions. Becuase Hachiman is basically an anti-hero in a way because he is willing to shower the burdens of being hated in order to shit done.
I feel as far as teenage characters go Hachiman is very feel written for what he is, at times he feels almost human in a way instead of being this cardboard cutout.When it comes to the other members of the service club Yukino and Yui.
Even though their personality is kinda standard fare, there is a lot more depth added to them and a lot more thought put into them so they come off charming than anything else. But besides that there not really that memorable when compared to Hachiman.Side characters are in the same boat as Yukino and Yui but worse.
Their personalities are really watered down even if there is a tad bit of depth to them. I don't remember their names and I will forget they even exist within a week because I found them so boring.Now I will say that the dialogue and interactions between the charters are a lot more intriguing than the actual charters themselves. Because this series likes to dive into social interactions into more depth and thought than most series of its genre. For an example, there is a scene where characters could seem happy on the outside, but inside there really angry and are dropping this passive aggressive comments. Which I liked.
Art, 6/10
The animation runs quite smoothly and the art keeps up a decent quality,
But background looks like they were painted on at times. Of course, the second season lessens these issues I have to a degree with everything looking a lot more polished and slighty more detailed.
Art style is basic and the character designs are pretty standard fare, but I will say that the main charter little sister would look really great in some doujins though.Sound, 5/10
The first oping song was pretty good, but everything else hoping and ending wise was kinda lacklustre at best. There nice to listen to i guess but they didnt really get my interest. The ost was done my some japanese music studio named MoNaca who have some very fumous people under them like for example keiichi okabe, satoru kosaki and kakeru ishihama who from who i can gather so far was the main dude behind the ost for this series. Its not that bad of an ost to listain its just nothing really got my interest and make me feel like woh i need to download this and listain to it over and over again.
Enjoyment, 6/10
So when it comes to enjoyment, i enjoyed this seruies for what it was and i have even got 10 volumes of the light novel. I think what really got me into this series it that it actually tries to provide some sort of thought-provoking content, which is very impressive for a series that is about high school bullshit.
Overall, 6/10
If you like romantic comedies I would say that my romantic comedy snafu is worth at least checking out, because it tries a lot harder than most of its genre. Which I think the effort alone should be prised to some degree But that doesn't mean it is the masterpiece that some people would claim it to be.
Because it is highly limited in what it can do because of the high school setting, if its setting was in college or maybe the Japanese workplace it would properly have a lot more impact in its social commentary and it could talk about more things.Daemonplay
91/100The masterful art of writing flawed charactersContinue on AniListI usually review most anime (if I choose to) immediately after watching it for the first time. This not only allows me not to forget major plotpoints but it also lets me have an accurate reading of my true impression which I fear might get lost after too long a time period. But I have to make an exception in this case. My first experience of watching Yahari ore no seishun love comedy wa machigatteiru came at an unfortunate time so I was obviously forced to rewatch this magnificent show to actually give you an accurate glimpse into my opinion. And what a great decision this was. I am now of the opinion that rewatching this show is almost a prerequisite if one wants to have a deeper understanding of it (at least if you don't want to pause the dialogue every five minutes). Both in regards to enjoyment but even more so in the perspective and position that the viewer takes while watching it. No show has ever provided me with quite the same experience as this. But let's get this show rolling.
First I suppose we should get the obvious and mandatory criteria of every anime analysis out of the way.
Art & Animation:
Many people argue that the artstyle taken by Brain's Base fits the tone of the show way more than the look of the second season and I am tempted to agree. At least I personally prefer the rougher artstyle although I guess it'd be more accurate to say that I prefer a rougher look for season one and a slightly more polished one for season two (more about that when I get to that review though). The style not only accentuates hachiman's famous "Dead Fish-Eyes" excellently but also represents rough stones at the beginning of their journey. And knowing the plot of the story this theme definitely fits season one. The facial animation is definitely rather expressive at times which is mandatory for a show that so heavily relies on psychological and sociological themes (as Hachiman even says body language makes up the most part of interpersonal ommunication). But it's not all sunshine and roses. Many conversations have the characters standing around not moving at all and I really mean not moving at all. At certain times it was even hard to notice the lip movement and I would have liked to (for aforementioned reasons) see a bit more care put into the conversations of the main cast as they are detrimental to the plot and the worth of the show as a whole.Sound:
I don't have a lot to say other than it's a mix of what you usually get for highschool anime aka cheery upbeat tones and rather glum sounding tunes. It therefore really fits the show. It provides a sufficent variation of instruments (specific to the atmosphere this particular piece of music is meant to help facilitate) and you will probably never experience being taken out of the immersion by misplaced soundtracks. The show seems quite careful in choosing the right music for the right atmosphere and it definitely succeeds in that regard.OP & ED:
Neither the OP nor the ED provide the viewer with jaw dropping visuals or amazingly abstract vision. But this is really not the show for this kind of design, The simplicity is rather appealing in my opinion as it fits the grounded, down-to-earth style and tone of the show as a whole. One might therefore be tempted to disregard any potential for interpretation in the opening and ending. But that is simply not the case. From the choice of flower colors and screen composition/visual devices in the OP and a rather interesting setting choices in the ED the show definitely manages to feed those of us hungry for interpretation and foreshadowing at least a hand even if not an entire arm.But enough of this almost standardized procedure. It's time for the main attraction: The characters and plot.
Let me start by pointing out that the relative plethora of character analysis videos/posts on this particular bunch is not without reason. The personalities of our main trio (and to a lesser extent of the secondary characters) and their interactions grant the show its appeal. Without them the whole concept and setting would crash and burn in forgotten obscurity. And that wouldn't even be surprising. After all the premise of "loner is forced to join a club -> meets beautiful girl(s) -> Rehabilitation -> Relationship?" is definitely not something new, but the way the show plays with these expectations and flashes out the characters taking part in it, is. As the title already suggests, there's really not that much of a romcom going on here. The show knows how to break up the aforementioned premise and structure expertly. We are being given a MC who shouldn't be relatable to a whole lot of people but probably is to a lot of people watching the show. And while it does show us tangible explanations as to why he turned out like that (cynical, wallowing in self-pity, unhealthy martyr-complex, ...) the show never treats him as the one we should be rooting for. No it's not his actions we are supposed to be rooting for but his possibility for change which only slowly manifests itself over the course of both seasons. The show manages to create someone that puts up a mirror to those who can truly empathize with him (a rather small amount of the population) while not ostracizing the audience that can't empathize with him (as the whole point of the show lies in Hachiman Hikigaya being wrong). A masterful example of a deeply flawed character.
But he is far from the only one suffering from deeply rooted character flaws. While the (more or less relatable) flaws and issues of our main trio (Hachiman Hikigaya, Yukinon Yukinoshita and Yui Yuigahama) without a doubt occupy the main stage, the secondary cast doesn't get out of the show's developments without harm either (and by harm I mean exposing their flaws). If anything the show resembles an expedition into a jungle full of insecurities and traumas where the goal seems to discover and overcome them through the realistic lens of trial-and-error.Any more from me would probably ruin the show for you though and as one can never be sure how many people reading this have actually completed the show I'm gonna leave this review at that. Watch the show (more than once)! If you are sucker for social commentary and snark it's honestly a must.
90/100An awesome series with some of the most likable and relatable characters out thereContinue on AniListThere are hundreds of high-school rom-com anime out there. Most of them are trash which was rightfully forgotten about after they aired. However, there are some that can break out of the mold and have legacies that far outlive its air time. It might be because it has interesting characters, a compelling story, or it connects and engages the viewer. Oregairu does all three of these.
The anime begins with the main character, Hachiman Hikigaya, being forced to join the ‘Service Club’ by his advisor, Shizuka Hiratsuka. He is sent there to become a ‘better person’. He is not a troublemaker or a bad student, he just has a bad personality. He is spiteful, overly negative, and willingly isolates himself from having any social life. He believes that the concept of ‘youth’ is evil, acts like he is above it. By being forced to join the Service Club, Hachiman will hopefully learn how to help others with their problems, which in turn will help him become a better and more sociable person that will enjoy his youth while he still can.
The only other person in the Service Club when he joins is Yukino Yukinoshita--a girl who on the outside seems to have it all, but in reality is similar to Hachiman. She has a superiority complex and elitist attitude that causes her to be isolated from others, just like Hachiman. The difference between them is that Yukino is of elite standing due to her family, while Hachiman is a nobody. Their first visitor, and ultimately the third member of the club, is Yui Yuigahama. Unlike Hachiman and Yukino, Yui has many friends and is easy to talk to. She joins the Service Club because she admires both Yukino’s and Hachiman’s way of being true to themselves. While they are everything that Yui is not, she (in her own way) tries to be more like them by not being as easily influenced by others.
Oregairu’s story consists of Hachiman, Yukino, and Yui helping out students and faculty, as is it the point of their club. While the Service Club does not ‘grant wishes’, it helps those out that seek it and steers them in the right way. More of a ‘teaching someone how to fish rather than giving them a fish’ type thing. What makes the anime’s story good is how the three find solutions to the assignments they take. While Hachiman and Yukino both calculate their solutions thoroughly, Hachiman’s are more notable due to how self-destructive they can be. While he claims to not care about what others think about it, it obviously affects him. Hachiman’s philosophy and general way of doing things takes a hit when he actually has friends and can not live as a fly on a wall anymore.
While this setup is not uncommon, what leaves Oregairu standing out from the rest of its kind is in its execution. For one, every main character is written with the intent to be cared about. Hikigaya is written to be a loner/loser/etc., but the anime does not beat him down too much or build him up. He is kept in his own realist reality of being a ‘pragmatic loner’ and often overcalculates things. Even with all of this, he begins to really help people out (even if it is in his own special, sometimes overly self-sacrificing way). Other anime would more than likely glorify Hachiman’s behavior, making him always right. In Oregairu, Hachiman is often wrong--and even when he turns out to be right, it is for the wrong reasons.
Yukino and Yui are also brilliantly written characters. As I said earlier, Yukino is a girl that is smart and beautiful, but is alone due to barriers that she herself puts up. Up until Hachiman and Yui joined the Service Club, Yukino did not have any real friends at school and did not let anyone penetrate her armor of cold demeanor. Behind that is a soft and fragile young woman, who is chasing something that is not yet able to be seen yet. She is brilliant at everything she does, but she does not realize (or want to realize) that she has to rely on others if she wants to get anywhere in life. Yui could be seen as a foil to both Hachiman or Yukino, due to being the only one who is outwardly cheerful and positive. While she is not a moron, she is definitely the most emotional of the group and is more of a follower than a leader (and can also be an airhead at times). Yui’s main contribution is making sure that all three of them stick and come together as ‘friends’ rather than as ‘classmates’ or ‘acquaintances’. Yui does not need any help when it comes to socializing, but she does need some when it comes to thinking for herself (which is one of the reasons why she admires both Hachiman and Yukino).
Oregairu also has an excellent list of supporting characters, such as Hayato Hayama, whose positive radiation, good looks, and his natural talent as a leader puts him at odds with Hachiman, or Haruno Yukinoshita, who is Yukino’s sister and is the polar opposite outwardly. There are too many others to name here, but the supporting cast also contributes immensely to Oregairu and are used to challenge the main characters, rather than being used in ways to boost them up.
The only real concern about ~this~ season of Oregairu is that the animation is quite shoddy at times. It does not really impact the watching experience, I just have to point it out due to how better animated the later seasons are.
Oregairu is one of those anime series that will always leave an imprint in my brain. Not for the wrong reasons like a series like Oreimo, but due to how unique it is, even if its plot is not that original. Oregairu’s characters are all written to be cared about. I think a lot of this series being popular has to do with how likable Hachiman is. It is rare in anime series of this kind for a male character to be the most popular one, but Hachiman seems to be the exception. His abrasiveness and willingness to what it takes to accomplish what he wants is admirable, even if it is ultimately the wrong choice. In the end, he is not some overpowered character with plot armor, he is just a high school boy that acts more grown-up than he actually is. While Hachiman is to be admired, no one should be like him. Of course, Yukino and Yui, and pretty much every other side character are likable as well. Oregairu is a must-watch for anyone into anime in my opinion.
ANIME ComedyBakemonogatari
ANIME ComedyHi Score Girl
- (3.9/5)
Ended inJune 28, 2013
Main Studio Brain's Base
Trending Level 8
Favorited by 10,164 Users
Hashtag #OREGAIRU #俺ガイル