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February 7, 2021
A Twitter comic by Ishida Sui about a gorilla living his last day.
100/100Life, death, and the suddenness of it all. An honest review of "This Gorilla Will Die In 1 Day."Continue on AniListThis is my first manga review, so please go easy on me. Spoilers ahead, but you can honestly finish this manga in less than a minute, and I recommend you do.
What can I say about this tragic masterpiece, comprised of only thirteen words? It is an obvious parody on the similar "100-日後に死ぬワニ" or This Crocidile will Die in 100 Days. However, it only took the mangaka 1/50th of the time to make a compelling story about life and death.
We are introduced to our main character on Day 1, an unnamed gorilla we are told will die the next day. And spoiler warning, they do.
Despite the lack of character development, little to no story, symbolism, or anything else your 8th grade English teacher told you is critical in making a story great; it works.
I don't know if anyone else has ever heard about the idea that spoiling a story's ending makes someone more invested. The argument goes that people start to pay more attention to the account. We want to see where it all goes wrong when the sparks began to fly in a relationship, or this case, the character's life and how they died.
Reflect on other media where we are told at the very beginning that our main character dies: Grave of the Fireflies, Hamilton, or I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. We intrude into these characters' lives, seeing how they lived before there is nothing more for us to see. We rejoice in their success, and we anguish in their failures. We grew to understand how they became such a unique part of the world around them, and we mourn with that world when they are gone. Like a firework, they exist momentarily, lighting up the world around them, everyone relishing in its beauty and longing for it after the final ember fades away.
This is where the manga shines best; we are left with a gorilla and thirteen words. There are no complexities to unravel; the gorilla exists, then it dies.
It's abrupt, and at first, I laughed because I knew what to expect, but I couldn't believe it happened. However, after a while, I started to reflect on my own experience. A few months ago, a close family member passed away after complications resulting from their fight with covid-19. The doctors told us that he had a couple of weeks left, but later that day, he passed away.
I'm not going to act all holier-than-thou and tell you what this manga is about or what the author Ishida Sui was thinking when making this manga, but I can speak for what this manga means to me. For me, this manga is about how life waits for no one; it's not going to be full of close calls and moments for people to start pitying you 100 days before you die; it'll be abrupt, and no amount of planning or preparation will make your death any less shocking to those around you.
So live your life to the fullest and tell your loved ones how much they mean to you because one day they will be gone, and you will be too.
99/100A Monke Review No One Asked ForContinue on AniList1-nichi Go ni Shinu Gorilla: Monke fication as Human Growth
For whatever reason, there is something about human beings (and perhaps life, in general) which seems to be incomplete. There's always a new item to buy or another goal to be accomplished. It's almost as if we are all beautifully broken bodies, breathing air and attempting to grasp whatever we think is going to satisfy us or bring us happiness at any given moment. This is not something that is unique to a certain group of people. This is an integral part of the human experience, and most of us (if not all of us) can relate to this. Regardless of the way an individual lives or carries themselves on a day-to-day basis, it seems as if this aforementioned pursuit is constantly taking place within them. As this process repeats itself throughout the course of our meagre existence, we tend to overlook the obvious.
A wise old sage once said, "Reject hooman, go back to monke." It may be said that this is the lesson that Ishida-sensei is attempting to bestow upon his readers through the use of the protagonist of "1-nichi Go ni Shinu Gorilla." The mc, known as Gorilla, is an individual who has overcome the wantonness that is natural for human beings.
In the beginning of the story, the protagonist comes to himself. The narrative opens up displaying a look in his eyes reveals which all that is necessary for the reader to come to conclude that the irreversible has taken place. It is clear, particularly at this moment in time, that the mc is completely invested in a state of monke.
One may attribute this to the fact that he is himself a gorilla; nevertheless, the point still stands that he has forsaken human nature as a whole. Having fully embraced the monke within, Gorilla has accepted the transitory nature of his existence. Pounding upon his chest, he reaches deep within his heart and soul to exude his alphamonke dominance. He rejects the hooman, the hooman which is oft so callous to the grim truth of life. Instead of building up his wealth, making plans for the future, and living blindly; he allows himself to look deep into the abyss that awaits all the creatures of the earth. Gorilla's inner monologue exemplifies, in an oh-so Kierkegaardian way, the tacit preparations one must make when it comes to accepting one's fate.
If one desires to live authentically, they must embrace the transitory nature of their existence. Accepting this fact is not without difficulty. As death has its eye on every individual, patiently waiting beyond the veil of life, how can one hope to prepare themselves? How could anyone be capable of accepting that their own life comes to an end? This manga seems to have a solution to overcoming this fear...
reject hooman
become monke
For being only a couple chapters, this manga is able to capture a vital lesson for us as readers. If we approach this work with sincerity, in attempt to apply its truths to our own lives, then there is a good chance that we may be able to attain just a bit more monke. To me, it seems to be a worthy pursuit and a cause worth striving for.
100/100Overall this Manga is an absolute masterpiece and will go on into the Hall of fame in literature. Thank you.Continue on AniList__(CONTASINS SPOILERS!!!)__
I cannot even begin to describe the genius that was put into this masterpiece of art. Scholars century's from now will look upon this piece of art and think to themselves "My God, I am utterly grateful to have the opportunity to witness such an amazing piece of literature."(panel 1) Where do I start. On day 1 In the first panel the sheer emotion that is being portrayed on this Gorilla's face is un describable... We have no idea how much pain and suffering this Gorilla has gone through up to this point. Like perhaps his parents where murdered by his older brother right before his eyes and forced to live with the fact that he was spared for the purpose of sheer and utter suffering. And from all this pain and suffering he had no other place to go so he fled with his one true love to try and find happiness. things where going great with his wife and they had amazing experiences together but no matter what they did he could never forget what happened, so he turned to alcohol to drown away the sorrow. His wife could no longer bear to see him in this state so she tried to help him but he was completely drunk so he began to ride his wife. With this action his wife desperately tried to defend herself by fighting back, but in this retaliation He got angry and killed his wife with one clean strike to the head. After realizing that his wife was gone he thought about her and began immense regret, but his face can say it all in this one panel.
(panel 2/3) Most of the other panels after the first one do not show as much emotion or description but there is still some. The sheer force of him beating his chest (like his wife) show his angry emotion in these two panels. In panel 3 he looks towards the viewer with a determined look in his eyes as it goes on to the next panel
(panel 4) As the background blackens like the abyss he will face he exclaims and I quote "I will die tomorrow." his may convey that he has given up all hope and the will to live based on his past experiences and claims that in one day he will die. Sadly even this is too deep for me to properly decipher but you can fell the impact and emotion that these words convey to the hearts and minds of the readers. this truly is a tragic story.
(panel 5) This is.... I'm sorry, I'm speechless. There is just so much emotion and description with this panel. A picture truly is worth a thousand words. The background is dark as night probably because the sun has already set. You can see that he is in the fetal position as he began to fade from this world. It's incredibly difficult to describe this image and I can only ask that you gaze at it your self.
(bonus panel 6) In this alternate ending you can see that his will to live is so far gone that he could not bring himself to even take one bite of his banana that he opened. Truly sad.
- MANGA ComedyIkemen Sugiru Gorilla
- MANGA ActionTokyo Ghoul
- (4.15/5)
Ended inFebruary 7, 2021
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