February 26, 2023
24 min
The second cour of the third season of IDOLiSH7.
Sougo Osaka
Atsushi Abe
Riku Nanase
Kenshou Ono
Tamaki Yotsuba
Iori Izumi
Toshiki Masuda
Nagi Rokuya
Takuya Eguchi
Mitsuki Izumi
Tsubasa Yonaga
Yamato Nikaidou
Yuusuke Shirai
Momose Sunohara
Souichirou Hoshi
Gaku Yaotome
Wataru Hatano
Tenn Kujo
Souma Saitou
Yukito Orikasa
Shinnosuke Tachibana
Ryuunosuke Tsunashi
Takuya Satou
Touma Inumaru
Subaru Kimura
Banri Oogami
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Haruka Isumi
Yuuya Hirose
Tsumugi Takanashi
Satomi Satou
Minami Natsume
Koutarou Nishiyama
Torao Midou
Takashi Kondou
Kaoru Anesagi
Yoshihisa Kawahara
Ryou Tsukumo
Hiroki Takahashi
Otoharu Takanashi
Susumu Chiba
Sousuke Yaotome
Katsuyuki Konishi
Rinto Okazaki
Makoto Furukawa
Takamasa Kujo
Kenjirou Tsuda

Not available on crunchyroll
94/100A dark yet hopeful story, a complex and realistic piece of writing that can't be topped in those regards~Continue on AniListA slow burn series like this, naturally has dips and rises in ones' enjoyment, as certain parts are merely build up. The peaks of this series are the parts where we see the payoff. And the payoff is often easier to talk about than the build up...~
This review primarily talks about p2, though some sections may bring up p1 as well. Any spoilers for any season are tagged.
Again, some really great music~ TRIGGER having a lot of focus naturally means we get some more epic songs, and Re:vale and I7's new songs are good too... though I can't say I'm a fan of the opening, and the ending... at first I absolutely despised it, and while I gradually came to like it more... I still don't like rap and rap-esque sections in songs much...~The animation in some of the performances is just stunning. I once compared SECRET NIGHT's animation in this season to s1's and... hell the improvements are clear. And in general TRIGGER's performances here are the ones that have me in awe the most– the camera angles, the animation, it's just breathtaking~
The insert-mistaken-for-opening in ep13 and insert-mistaken-for-ending in ep14 are kinda disappointingly slideshow performances but... I mean it's really only annoying the latter wasn't given more care.The number of performances remains... shockingly low, but I think its plenty. It's just the kind of show it is, after all...~
Also, I noticed it for most of s2's few performances as well, but it does feel like they're using recordings from actual live shows, or at least making it sound like such, rather than just using the standard studio recordings for the songs.Characters:
As always, a strong point of the series~Last time, I mentioned Yamato gets some focus here, and even though that's mostly in part 1 I feel like it would be wrong to not bring him up here, seeing as I didn't properly talk about him before.
To be honest, half of what I'd describe his personality as, is merely what other people say about him in the show. Whether it's because these traits are subtle or not there I'm not sure, but I'd lean towards the former. Especially considering the fact he is a prodigy actor who definitely had a reason to put on a mask, it makes sense it's hard to tell what his real personality is like.
He's pretty complex and interesting, though this kind of complexity is not one I seem to really appreciate much.Moving on, the new group introduced at the end of part 1, ZOOL, is very much introduced as a strong antagonistic force. Their music is a bit of a mixed bag, but the members are almost all very interesting.
The first one seen, Isumi,
full name unstated due to how completely unaccustomed to it I am,is a vicious little brat who hates Tenn with every single fibre of his being and in general is an unsociable, arrogant and rude kid who constantly calls people annoying idiots. He's pretty much all talk though and can't take anything in return. All in all, he's the most immature character... which means he's also the one with the most room for growth...~Torao Mido is an arrogant flirt and by far the least interesting. Whatever personal problems he might have haven't been brought up yet and any rivalry he has with anyone is pretty shallow... which doesn't help combat his annoying as hell and shallow personality.
Natsume Minami is a fortune telling actor with very... mysterious aura. I don't have much to say about him as right now he's just an enigma.
Then, Toma Inumaru is a kinda rough guy who seems to place high value on actual skills in performing, despising popularity-wins contests and thus also any "undeserving" winners of them. Despite his harsh attitude and rough manner of speaking, it is clear he is an actually kind guy from the start, almost certainly the nicest guy in the group... though he's a bit tsundere...~
I mentioned last time, how this series places a strong emphasis on the characters' dynamics. And that definitely hasn't changed~ The banter between the cast is very natural, and the ways everyone interacts with each other... I could probably write as much about just that, as I have written about the show in general in my reviews and notes combined...~
The new characters are all introduced quite smoothly and the dynamics they build with everyone are naturally, well, really natural. Even if they are extremely hostile ones.Story:
This season is a fair bit more plot-focused than s2, as instead of many character-focused arcs, there is one big arc about the machinations of a... kinda creepy ambitious man, with some smaller arcs contained within it.
That is not to say the writing quality has declined, not at all. This shift in focus felt quite natural, as much of part 1 was still scattered arcs, with set up for this larger plot in part 2, intensifying towards the end.Tsukumo is very clearly not mentally sound at all, but he is scarily competent with his schemes. And his actions do make sense, when taking into account his warped ideology and worldview. He had some skewed expectations when he went to one of Zero's shows and was so disappointed he grew to loathe idols... Momo worsening that hatred when he sticks around after Re:vale's fifth anniversary, despite mentioning the time limit he thought he had to Tsukumo some time ago.
Tsukumo seems to want everyone to think of idols the same way he does, liars who inevitably betray and disappoint their fans. How exactly he developed his twisted worldview, that lead to him being so easily disappointed, I'm not quite sure yet and, to be honest, when Momo responds to hearing Tsukumo's reasoning for his behaviour, I don't fully get what he's saying... but I feel like once s4 rolls around that'll clear up.I mentioned in my s2 review how the arc about the antagonistic force was the least emotionally impactful, and I think that is just how it goes with this show. The character focused arcs are the best part, though the more plot-focused parts aren't bad by any stretch, either.
That likely shows with my favourite parts – and the most emotional ones – of this season mostly being Sogo's episodes, both ep5 and the later sub-arc, climaxing in the intensely emotional ep10. An episode that really got me crying...~Fun:
Re:vale remains the comedy masters they've always been and even in the darkest moments they help lighten the mood a little~
For example, in one scene in the immensely tense and dark ep16, Momo has some looks on his face that just ease the anxiety felt, slightly, through how silly they look...~ And it's not jarring. The comedy in this has basically never been jarring. Even now, when the plot is getting so dark.Well, there was one awkward joke in ep14, which may have been slightly better had they not went chibi for it but still probably not that good. But meh.
This show has some of the best writing I have ever seen, and likely will ever see~
It has such great characters, who are all so memorable and feel so real, and they really are the strong point of this show. And the writing quality has always been the same, throughout every single part of it~
Though it might not be as emotional as s2, it is still a masterpiece of writing~I think the reason the dynamics between the cast are highlighted more than the individual characters, is because I think at its core, this show tries to convey the importance of friendship, and good interpersonal relationships in general. Putting aside the value of interpersonal skills in business, which is emphasised in this season, they show how these kinds of relationships can be vital in helping us face our problems and move on from them.
Even though this show is frighteningly dark at times, it's still a hopeful story... a realistic kind of hopefulness that is~
While many music anime may have this strong theme of friendship, this one is the one where it is the most subtle, but also the strongest. Perhaps because of the realistic way it is conveyed.I'll say it over and over again. Every part of this show, from the characters, to the plotlines, to the comedy, to the messages, they all feel so realistic and natural.
I know some people say they're not interested in idol anime because they think it'll all be unrealistic and overly sparkly and cheerful, and things along those lines, like the performances idols put on.
But this show is all about what goes on backstage and how these normal people try to be the best people they can be, and not just for their fans' sakes, either.littlemyosotis
98/100a unique idol anime exploring both the positives & hardships of the industry with compelling story, characters, & musicContinue on AniListOVERALL RATING: 9.8/10
plot: 10/10 -- i greatly enjoyed the story from beginning to end. the story is very unique, there are plenty of idol anime out there, but this is very different from the rest of them. instead of the typically happy, wholesomeness that idol anime usually have, this season really portrayed what life as an idol can be like, all the positives & negatives. we get to see a whole different side of the idol world & it's truly worth seeing. there was never anything that felt out of place to me. there were many challenges & difficulties that were presented & each one had a deep meaning to reach the purpose of the story. everything that happened happened for a reason. there is nothing i would change.
world/setting: 9/10 -- i believe a lot of effort was put into the creation of this world. the overall setting is japan which is pretty normal, but there was also the creation of a country as one of the main characters' homeland which is very interesting. it's a pretty normal setting, but for this idol anime & its purpose, i wouldn't want anywhere else to be the setting. something in particular that i found amazing is that there are several settings in this anime. for example, we get to see inside different agencies, idol dorms, & even the homes of some idols. however, there is one thing i would change: the aging of the characters. in some anime, time does not pass. there are no birthdays, no anniversaries, & that is fine. because time does not pass. however, in this anime time canonically passes. there are annual events & anniversaries that happen, but there are no birthdays & characters do not age. we have high schoolers who have been stuck in their final year of high school for almost 2 years. that is the one thing i would change.
purpose: 10/10 -- there is a clear goal for all of the characters in this season & everything they do is meant to help them reach their goals. i don't believe there were any significant detours, rather there were obstacles to stop some characters from reaching their goals which i feel are very important.
characters: 10/10 -- if characters were meant to be liked/disliked, i perfectly liked/disliked them. anyone i disliked had given me perfect reasons to dislike them as they were written. for the characters i truly liked, i was able to grow an emotional attachment to them. all the characters were truly written with great thought behind them, with intricate personalities & backstories. the character development was clear in this season for all of them, as well, which is impressive because there are many characters. i would not change any of the characters.
storytelling: 10/10 -- there are very few monologues, if any at all. the viewers are not spoiled regarding anything. we see what happens when it happens, meaning we find out things when the characters find out or when it finally gets brought to light. however, there is a lot of subtle foreshadowing which i love. the timeline is constructed chronologically so everything is well organised.
enjoyment: 10/10 -- i watched this while it was airing. i usually hate watching airing anime because i prefer to watch it all at once with no cliffhangers, but i just had to watch this weekly. i had to keep watching every week because i HAD to know what was happening next. i truly enjoyed every second of this from start to finish.
animation/visuals: 9/10 -- i loved the animation for the entire season EXCEPT for the cgi dancing. if not for the occasional 3d cgi, this would have been a 10/10. we get to see how beautiful the idols can look as well as how cute they can be. i love the art style of the anime as well as the character designs & how they are animated. the only thing that ruins the animation is the cgi. that is the one thing i would change.
pace: 10/10 -- i believe the story for every episode was perfect. nothing seemed too fast or slow. while the anime was airing, i was frustrated with any kind of cliffhanger, but i do believe they were fine the way they were. i was simply impatient and deeply immersed in the story.
soundtrack: 10/10 -- as an idol anime, i loved the soundtrack. all of the openings, endings, insert songs, & background music were perfect. this anime does start with the typical jpop idol music, but it expands into different genres which is amazing. also, a detail i love is that a lot of the background music is the piano or instrumental version of previous songs from past seasons & they are chosen based on the mood of the anime. i loved that the music followed the emotions of the characters as well as what was going on in the story.
gut feeling: 10/10 -- one of my favorite anime & season. just a solid 10/10.
ANIME Drama[Oshi no Ko]
ANIME DramaCarole & Tuesday
ONA ComedyIDOLiSH7 Vibrato
ANIME MusicEnsemble Stars!
ANIME MusicVisual Prison
- (4.1/5)
Ended inFebruary 26, 2023
Main Studio TROYCA
Favorited by 233 Users
Hashtag #アイナナ #アニナナ3期