June 22, 2019
13 min
Most high school girls would be proud that their father is a famous writer, but Ao Horie’s father is an EROTIC writer, a purveyor of pornographic prose. He’s authored hundreds of dirty books and it has definitely warped his twisted sensibilities. Since Ao thinks that anyone who learns about her father is going to assume that Ao is at least somewhat like her pornographic papa, Ao’s solution is to just not talk to other people, especially boys. All she wants to do is study and get good grades so she can go to a school far away from her family. And that’s why Takumi Kajima is driving her crazy! He keeps trying to talk to her, distracting her, and causing her to think about the kind of things she’d rather not think about…
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
Ao Horie
Azumi Waki
Takumi Kijima
Junta Terashima
Hanasaki Horie
Kenjirou Tsuda
Miyabi Takaoka
Juri Kimura
Souichirou Yabe
Takashi Kondou
Masaki Uehara
Yuusuke Shirai
Shuuhei Yonezuka
Toshinari Fukamachi
74/100Among those who love it and hate it, I'm in the middle.Continue on AniListIt can be a pain when you’re distracted from something you’ve been trying to put all of your focus on, but it’s even more of a pain when it’s your own thoughts that are distracting you. Trust me; I know from experience. I’m sure there is a certain anime girl who can vouch for me, with her sexual thoughts about a certain guy in her life, among other things, causing a distraction for her. I first became aware of the anime that this girl is in when it was still just a manga; I randomly read a few chapters of it and didn’t really think much of it, not expecting that this completely random manga would one day get an anime adaptation, even if it was a short one. Since it did, however, I decided to give it a try.
Lads, ladies, and non-binaries, I give you my review for the anime that shows us why Ao-chan Can’t Study! (No, really, that’s what the anime is called. It’s “Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai” in Japanese, though.)
Ao-chan Can’t Study follows Ao Horie, a high school girl who hates her name and the fact that her father is an erotic fiction author. (“Make an AO face!” is what is referred to when it comes to why her father chose her name, although it is true that “ao” is actually Japanese for “blue”.) Desperate to go to a good university and get away from her father, she throws herself into her studies and avoids pretty much everything else, including boys. Enter Takumi Kijima, Ao’s classmate who just so happens to have a crush on her. Ao is unable to shake him off and finds herself constantly interpreting Kijima’s intentions as perverted. I guess her father’s influence really got to her, huh? Anyway, this anime follows the misunderstandings and awkward situations that Ao and Kijima get involved in.
I’m just going to say it right now; do NOT watch this anime if you’re not into raunchy anime at all. Although it’s not as bad as anime like Shimoneta, there’s no question that this anime is cock-full - er, I mean chock-full - of dirty jokes. That said, though, the comedy is rather hit-or-miss; sometimes, it can make me at least close to laughing, and other times, it can just make me want to slap my forehead out of pure frustration. Comedy aside, the story can be quite predictable; if you’ve seen enough romantic comedies, raunchy or not, there is a chance that you’ll be able to predict what is going to happen.
As for the characters....well, my thoughts on them are kind of complicated, especially when it comes to our leading lady, Ao Horie. On one hand, even if it has a tendency to waver, I admire her determination to get into a good university and achieve independence, but on the other hand, the fact that she always sees Kijima’s intentions in a perverted light, especially when they’re actually really pure, just makes me want to slap her. Her father is also someone I sometimes want to slap; he can be quite annoying, and it’s understandable that Ao doesn’t want to live under the same roof as him for any longer than she needs to. At the same time, however, there are times where it’s clear that he genuinely cares about Ao and wants the best for her, which is why I can’t really hate him. Oh, I haven’t mentioned Kijima yet, have I? I like seeing how much Kijima really cares about Ao, but other than that, nothing about his character really stands out that much. The side characters aren’t really that interesting, either.
Now, Silver Link has done some excellent animation work over the years, and Ao-chan Can’t Study is no exception. No, it’s not the best animation I’ve ever seen, but the bright colors and character designs can be quite appealing. The voice acting is rather good, too; this is my first time hearing Azumi Waki’s voice acting, but if the way she conveyed Ao’s emotions is any kind of reflection of how she normally does as a voice actress, I look forward to watching other anime she voice acted in and hearing her voice. The first few seconds of the opening theme, “WONDERFUL WONDER” by EDOGA-SULLIVAN, is something that I swear reminds me of another song, but I can’t really think of what that song is; that aside, it’s a good song, although not one that I’d listen to on repeat. I feel the same way about the ending theme, “Koi wa Miracle” by Spira Spica, except without the “reminds me of another song” part.
After Ao-chan Can’t Study came out, I happened to find many people who loved it and many people who hated it; as for me, I’d say that I’m in the middle. This wouldn’t be my first recommendation if you asked me to recommend a raunchy anime, but no one’s going to kill you for watching it. That is, if you don’t have any studying that you should be doing instead....
60/100Decent series. Gets a bit too repetitive. Fun watch but not a must watch. 6/10Continue on AniListAo-chan can't study anime review.
The series is about Ao who wants to get into a good university so she can move away from her father. Her father is an incredibly popular Erotica novelist and has no intention of hiding it anywhere. As such learning at a young age that her name A comes from apple and O comes from Orgy might not be such a great thing.
Now as a highschooler she goes around hiding that whilst also having a cold atmosphere. She becomes a loner type person that gets really high grades. You've watched anime, you know the type. And this popular boy tries to talk to her. So you have this relationship of a quiet girl and a forward boy (who's a virgin).
Now due to her father she basically thinks all men are sex filled creatures and as such is a source of pressure in the relationship. She even doesn't like her own father and frankly neither do I. Her father is easily the worst character in the series sexually harassing his own daughter for a gag. It kinda sucks to be honest.
The male lead is surprisingly different. He's popular for one thing. He's not an uber over the top nice guy. He's just him, and i like that. He feels a person in the series. It's not someone i can relate with, but he gives off a different enough vibe. Especially near the ending.
Because of the female leads upbringing she basically is the one that's thinking of sex all the time. Or thinks that sex is all the boys are thinking of all the time. A lot of the gags base around her delusions and her being horny or her thinking everyone else is horny. And its funny. Some of it isn't. Some of it is great. It's like seeing a meme you know. Like definitely warrants some air through the nose and what not.
The series also temporarily turns into Kaguya-sama for a second. Where the Male lead is desperate to making the female lead fall in love with her. The female lead is desperate to show that the male lead only wants her for sex, so he should do that so she can reject him. Those episodes were pretty funny.
The romance of this series is also surprisingly fun. The characters are less infuriating than the average romance comedy.
I think despite the relative fun i had for the series i don't really consider it anything special. Maybe after i finish reading the manga this could be a must read but as far as anime goes this falls into the fun watch but not must watch section. Which kinda sucks.
I think with more variety in comedy and bolder characters this could've been something real special but your not missing anything if you don't watch this series. Which might be a bit harsh for the series considering i did call the characters non infuriating like most romcoms, but to be fair., most romcoms kinda suck ass anyway. I really do hope the manga becomes something special but as for now even though i enjoyed it i'll probably forget about it soon.
80/100Ao-chan Can't Study! a review.Continue on AniListI was just going to watch an episode, but ended up finishing the series instead. Season 2, when?
Let me tell you: It was a wild ride. Kinda stupid at times, really, but hilariously so. Made me go pffft more times than I can recall! Also a lot of kyaas and a few ehhh--it was an experience! But enough about me already, let's talk about Ao-Chan Can't Study!
A summary of the story: The story follows the high school girl Ao-Chan, who stuggles with childhood trauma from being the daughter of an erotic fiction author who has made her life miserable with his pervy ways. Ashamed of his existence she dedicates all her time to studying so she can get into a good university and move as far away from him as she possibly can. Since all of her time goes to studying she's a loner, having no time for friends, and especially not for boys. Because of her father she distrusts all men, thinking them all perverts and wolves, and so she does her best to avoid them, but all of that changes when the popular boy, Takumi Kijima, confesses that he has a crush on her. Ao-chan makes every effort to reject him, having no time for boys and dating, but fails miserably everytime she looks at Kijima, thinking about all the things she wants him to do to her, while he is trying his hardest to make his true feelings come through to her. It's all very will they, won't they. (And surprisingly sweet and wholesome.)
And so begins our rom-com adventure! (and, as mentioned earlier; it was a wild ride.)My thoughts: For an ecchi anime I found it to be surprisingly adorable. It had a great cast of supporting characters as well, my favourite being Soichiro Yabe, her fathers editor and a cutie. (Who would have been perfect for a love triangle, but I guess not. Hmpf. Anyway...)
The storyline can be very predictable at times but I found it very enjoyable to watch! And with every episode being just 12 minutes long it's perfect if you're looking to watch something new while not having to dedicate too much time to it. (Which, I think we all can agree can be a nice change at times!) It has a fun cast of characters, and a banger of an opening. It's super catchy. Don't believe me? here, judge for yourself.Right? right? told you.
Conclusion: would I recommend it? Yes, yes I would. It was a lot of fun! and I liked it enough that I would watch season 2 if it ever were to come out. It probably won't be everyone's cup of tea, but you won't know until you give it a chance, right? (So... Go do that. You won't regret it. Probably?)
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- (3.25/5)
Ended inJune 22, 2019
Main Studio SILVER LINK.
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