September 20, 2011
23 min
Right after starting middle school, Akari Akaza joins the Amusement Club which is composed solely by her two childhood friends, Kyouko Toshinou and Yui Funami. Chinatsu Yoshikawa, Akaza's classmate, becomes a member after finding out about the dissolution of the Tea Club.
The Amusement Club, situated at the tea room facility since the Tea Club disbanded, has no clear purpose, being free for the girls to do whatever they want.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Kyouko Toshinou
Yuka Ootsubo
Akari Akaza
Shiori Mikami
Yui Funami
Minami Tsuda
Chinatsu Yoshikawa
Rumi Ookubo
Ayano Sugiura
Saki Fujita
Sakurako Oomuro
Emiri Katou
Chitose Ikeda
Aki Toyosaki
Himawari Furutani
Suzuko Mimori
Rise Matsumoto
Saori Gotou
Chizuru Ikeda
Momo Kuraguchi
Nana Nishigaki
Ryouko Shiraishi
Mari Funami
Maaya Uchida
Kaede Furutani
Aya Uchida
Ayana Taketatsu
Tomoko Yoshikawa
Ayano Ishikawa
Aoi Yuuki
Hikaru Midorikawa
Hiro Takaoka
Haruka Yamazaki
82/100Who knows gay can be so cute and amusing?Continue on AniListOkay. Let me first say that the gayness in Yuru Yuri is more of a thing to embellish the main comedic core than what I'd call real romance. But hey, it's still a fun CGDCT show! And the other dated definition of gay means cheerful anyways, which fits the show, so yeah...I guess it's actually quite gay!
When there's a school club, and it's rightfully termed the Amusement Club, you know a whole lotta mischiefs are awaiting ahead of you. Mischiefs inside their club room. Mischiefs in the comfort of their homes. Mischiefs pretty much everywhere! For Kyouko, the founder of this amusing club, all she wants in life is to simply have fun and do whatever she wants. And you can bet that wild antic of hers ain't stopping anytime soon, as she drags Yui, Chinatsu, Ayano, Chitose, Sakurako, Himawari, and more girls down her fun-filled life. Little did they know they're about to undergo the wonderful process of yurification...
Ah right, there's Akarin too. Let's be sure not to forget about this poor girl~
Anywho...where was I? The characters? Souka. Yuru Yuri is basically a hilarious mash-up of personalities given life in true moe fashion. Messing about and triggering all kinds of silly gags, those are really the only things they do each episode. It's just like what the name of their club implies: a show dedicated solely to amuse us and themselves, or well, Kyouko mostly. Because all these fun hilarities are emphasized against your typical slice-of-life setting, it's easy to indulge in their playful banters and get a giggle or two here and there...at worst! At best, you might wanna relax your lungs in case an uncontrollable laughter is about to ensue.
As if the comedy isn't enough already, the show thrives on its sweet girl-love moments, giving extra amusements, increased affections, and...uhh...some suggestively lewd stuff through Chitose's poor vision and nosebleeds. But I promise, it's nothing too extreme! About the only sexual thing outside the realm of imagination is with the whole oppai gag between the love-hate Sakurako and Himawari. Other than that, the yuri undertones here multiply the endearment to a whole another level. Packed full with flusters and blushes, the show is definitely not afraid to crumble me down with the power of kawaii.
While all these dimwits are great comically, I'm also fond of those heartwarming bits where things tone down slightly. You know, unless you love to be on the verge of death laughing all day long. Yuru Yuri's more level-headed girls, such as Yui and Ayano, have their moments where they talk good things about their friends and it's wholesome to see these slices of warmth. Even Chinatsu, a cute girl who may or may not be harboring some crazy personality, has her own moments too. It's not much, but it's certainly enough to get me more attached to them.
And life wouldn't be so much fun without its colorful shapes and sounds! Eyes so round they'll put a circle to shame. Voices so cute hearing one episode is enough to meet your daily sugar intake. Expressions so funny you'll...well, I'm sure you get what I mean already. All I'm saying is the chibi-looking art style, smooth animation, visual gags, emotive voice acting, and light background tunes work well together to create such a fun atmosphere. Even if they didn't put in any heart effects, it still feels like you can see hearts all over your screen. Truly the works of Moe Moe Kyun!
By the way, beware of the catchy opening and ending songs. The use of consonance with the show's name may give you earworms.
So yeah! What else are you waiting for? Go on and enter the Amusement Club and meet all the amusing girls of Yuru Yuri as they spend their days doing fun things together, with some enjoyable bits of homo-cuteness of course! It's about time Akarin greets you on the title scre—Oh...
I forgot to talk about her, didn't I? Whoopsie~!
70/100A simple good slice of life comedyContinue on AniListOk, the first thing I should say, is that dogakobo's Yuru Yuri is a parody of the slice of life genre and the yuri in general.
All the characters must be taken as ridicule to the stereotypes that exist in the characters of the series of this genre, especially Akari.
The situations in this anime series are so surrealistic and ridicolous, nobody in the series take seriously the situations.
The most better developed characters, or better written, are Kyoko and Chinatsu.
Kyoko is a silly girl, her interestings are manga, anime, rum raisin, and a lot of fun, although it can be described as a selfish character, since she does whatever it takes to get her friends to do what she wants.Next, we've Akari, the non-presence character. Her personality it's very beautiful, she is kind, considerate, innocent, a dreamer, and a good friend, but she is always overshadowed by the constant teasing of her friends, especially Kyoko.
Yui is the character without personality, has no development as such being a totally boring character, and that may be the reason why she always accedes to the whims of Kyoko, because without Kyoko, Yui is a character without identity or purpose.
Chinatsu is a very interesting character, because she looks like an innocent girl, but she isn't. She feels a pretty big attraction towards Yui, an insane attraction, since she practically wants Yui with her basest instincts. Her personality it's so variated, and this is the most interesting quality of her. It's so maniac.
The other characters are so charismatic, specially Chitose... Gosh, I love that girl.
With a lot of jokes and references to another series, this and the second season are the best in animation, because it's more a parody than a series of the genre.
90/100Such a cute Anime, definetly on my top 3!Continue on AniList[
Moe does not have spoilers...kinda. ]()
Cute, fun, and super moe. A perfect combination.[PREMISE OF THE SHOW:]()
Yuru Yuri focuses onAkaria group of girls who take over a club of a "Tea Ceremony Club", they don't do those activies and instead they just mess around doing whatever they please, that includes playing gams to just sitting. That is pretty much it. The whole show is just about the weird things that these girls get into. It honestly is quite great to watch though so check it out![CHARACTERS:]()
Kyouko Toshinou - Basically the leader of the whole show, she is the most funniest character and always makes the atmosphere super fun.
She is joy in human form. She carries the show with her humour and carelessness, she is quite a force to reckon with. She will do anything that is fun.Yui Funami - The more mature one of the group, she keeps everyone in line...well except from Kyouko, no one can stop her. She is a great. She is a vital character for if she was not there (or a similar character) than the pure chaos would consume this pure Anime.
Chinatsu Yoshikawa - I have mixed feelings about this characters, mostly only in this season. She is super obsessed with Yui-Senpai and dismisses everyone else which can get really annoying at certain points. She is also the epicentre of a lot of yuri-bait, her fantasy of going out with Yui gets so intense and wild.
Akari Akaza - The supposed "main protagonist", the whole gag is that she barely appears on the screen. She is a wholesome girl who alwasy tries to not hurt anyone's feelings. Not like any of that ever happens in this show since its so pure. She is often depicted as an invisible character with dashes around her, its her running gag throughout the show and series. I really liked this whole idea of just making the other mains actually the centre of the show and not the main protagonist. Quite a fun twist.
There are plenty of side characters but they come to action more in the future seasons. For example: Ayano Sugiura - She is a big Tsundere, the biggest she cares a lot about Kyouko. She has a more important role in the future season as I said before.
Yuru Yuri has great art-style for a Moe Anime. The animation is smooth and fluid.
I love the colours as well in this Anime, catches my eye which is nice. I always feel like many shows struggle with either too drab or too colourfull but this show manages to add just enough at the right times to making it interesting but not instantly burn my eyes.It stays pretty much consistent, they do spice it up when it comes to a certain gags which is cool af.
I love the OPs and EDs for this series, they are always so god damn catchy.
The OST is just generic tbh which is to be expected with SOL/Moe Anime at this point which is kinda saddening...but my godness the OPs and EDs, I love them so much![OVERALL OPINION:]()
Yuru Yuri is the kind of show which looks and sounds weird on the outside but once you watch it you love it.
The characters are all lovable, the things they get themselves into are always interesting and funny, I love it so much!
ANIME ComedyAsobi Asobase
ANIME ComedyHidamari Sketch
ANIME ComedyLucky☆Star
ANIME ComedyGabriel Dropout
- (3.65/5)
Ended inSeptember 20, 2011
Main Studio Doga Kobo
Favorited by 1,602 Users
Hashtag #YURUYURI #ゆるゆり