December 26, 2019
24 min
Against the savage monsters that lurk outside the glass walls of Flandore, the last remnants of humanity have only one defense: the mana magic wielded only by members of the Noble class. When Melida, heiress to House of Angel, fails to manifest her magic upon reaching majority, the half-vampire Kufa is sent with orders from her own Grandfather to resolve the issue… and if Melida cannot manifest mana, Kufa is to execute her for the crime of impure blood. But when Melida fails the test, Kufa can’t bring himself to kill the spirited young woman whose only fault was to have an adulterous mother. And so, instead, he commits the crime of giving Melida some of his own mana.
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)
Kufa Vampir
Yuuki Ono
Melida Angel
Tomori Kusunoki
Elise Angel
Yui Ishikawa
Rosetti Pricket
Marina Yabuuchi
Mule la Mor
Maaya Uchida
Salacha Schicksal
Azumi Waki
Nerva Martillo
Ayane Sakura
Williams Jin
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Black Madia
Sora Tokui
Ai Kayano
Keira Espada
Kiyono Yasuno
Toshiyuki Morikawa

41/100Somewhat promising fantasy anime that took a fast dive toward the abyss. And become worse as it went on. Absolute flopContinue on AniListI guess Assassin's Pride is a good enough example of anime being wasted potential. It's been nothing but a downward spiral toward the abyss. Well, it did catch my interest by the first episode, and I am a sucker for these underdogs kind of story, as I have said many times in the past. So I can't help being a bit open and positive to start off since in my case, it had all the ingredients to turn out a decent fantasy anime I could kill my time with. I mean its abundantly evident, AssPride is as cliche as you can get, but honestly, If there is entertainment to had, what points is there to be so brutally focused on such other useless things? But Instead, I was hit with disappointment which intensified as the episode went by. Thus It sadly ended up becoming a chore to watch this anime as a result, which was rushed to absolute oblivion, and the importance of context was thrown out of the window.
There are so many things that are lacking connection here, which makes no sense, and these things form a plot-holes, that could've otherwise be avoided. It's not too hard either, you just had to follow the source material - light novel or the manga that I personally took a small peek off. Since I knew if there is one thing I could count on, it would be the source material, and in some cases, manga doesn't fall that short either. So there was this one scene where Kufa, our main character, confessed to something slightly heavy, and the influence it made on me, I definitely felt it. It was real and felt truthful. While the anime took that same scene and made it feel so forced and uneventful. It's like the people behind this mess adapted everything as they would like it. No thought or consideration went into, the direction or the execution at all. Every arc felt random, and it was like I was watching, several episodes worth of content like I was meant to know the context behind it prior.
On top of that, all our character, the main for one Melida's development as well as power progress, was quick, and not efficient at all. She went from zero to a hundred way too fast, and we didn't have a chance to appreciate her growth properly. But the biggest issue is undoubtedly the terrible pacing. There were so many arcs, which would feel important and substantial to the overall story. Still, it was just cringe-inducing to watch, and I couldn't take it seriously one bit whatsoever. At least, there was still some few things that come out from this trainwreck of an adaptation. Because the art-style actually looked very clean for a short while and polished, it was so appealing to the eyes, I really liked the colour pallet they used here. Also, the animation had some decent sakuga in the beginning, the action bits were at the very least satisfactory to myself. Too bad, it didn't last all that long, as you could clearly see the downgrade in production over time. Until it looked like your where rubbing sands in your eyes, and it becomes an outright abomination of a derp fest, and started looking all stiff and iffy all over.
But if there is one part, I would give praise to AssPride it has to be the opening first off. It was something that I personally started out disliking, but it did grow on me tremendously, and now I love it. It's such a unique style which plays in all kinds of the way with the camera angles, and scenery. The song nicely complements it all and fits the overall song and visual properly. Opening prepares your soul and body for horrifying experience. While the ending is also quite beautiful and is a great way to heal your aching soul after a terrible episode of AssPride. It's too bad it's wasted on this absolute mess. Overall, I really don't recommend AssPride to anyone out there, and you can do so much better. Sure, there was some potential here, but the studio made sure to throw it in the trash before it even begins. You will not find your new next, generic fantasy here, only lots of horror and pain, which for me is finally over. I am so glad to be done with this trainwreck, and never again have to lose my common sense over it. It starts out with a decent start showing lots of promise. But each episode after that brings it closer to the abyss, until its thoroughly soaked in there, and it never tries to find its way back. Absolutely terrible, and a waste of time.
61/100One of the high promises of 2019 that soon felt like a cut, rushed, and half-assed anime after the first episode.Continue on AniList"It's the mercy of a professional killer, an assassin's pride." - Kufa Vampir
Assassins Pride was one of the anime that caught my eye for the Fall 2019 season. It had many things that appealed to me: edgy-looking protagonist, cute magical girls, fantasy world, promising action, beautiful art, and an interesting storyline synopsis that peaked my interested. What can I say? This anime had a HUGE amount of potential to become one of my favorite anime of 2019, but I’m sad to say that my hopes didn’t last very long. When the first episode had aired, it presented us with art/animation that was very beautiful and unique with how they used lighting. The art style alone was enough to create a mysterious atmosphere and set the stage for the storyline. So far so good right? Well I do have to say that while the first episode was great and all, I couldn’t help but feel like something was off. I didn’t really give it much thought afterwards since it was only the first episode. After waiting a week we got episode 2, and it became abundantly clear what we should expect from here on out: a rushed and cut product from the source material with progressively deteriorating art/animation. Unfortunately, I was one of the people that stuck around in hopes that one of these episodes would mark a turning point and make the anime better, but that day never came. Soon I found myself just watching for the OP and graphics, because the storyline was becoming more and more unclear as time passed. By the end of the anime, I was just watching it because I was almost finished anyways. What once was a highly anticipated anime for me soon turned into a chore I had to mark off my list every week. What’s the most critical way I could describe Assassins Pride now? “A promising anime with beautiful art, AMAZING OP, and promising storyline that soon felt like a poorly executed harem with underaged girls.” By the end of it, I felt like all the fanservice and love interest was added in order to scrap and recycle what was left of the nonexistent and inconsistent storyline. Wondering how well this anime did on its scoring? Let’s find out:
Art and Animation: 5.6/10
- The only things preventing me from giving this a lower score was the fact that the first episode was really good, and the OP had a unique art style that made me never tired of watching it. Unfortunately, that was as good as it got with this anime. The reason why I scored this anime so harshly was because it’s main appeal was action. There were so many mistakes and flaws that easily ruined the viewers experience while watching. At first it wasn’t very apparent, but normally fluid movements were soon starting to become stiff. Action scenes were becoming shorter and shorter. And the choreography of the action scenes got as generic as possible, and looked like someone was just sliding a picture of someone in a pose across the screen. You could tell that they were trying to hide this fact by adding zoomed in camera angles so you couldn’t see the bigger picture. There were moments where groups of enemies summoning animations or attacks LITERALLY looked cheaply copy and pasted onto the screen. The once-promising looking mana attacks soon turned into just a useless cosmetic that marked someone as a magic user, and hype moments with finishing moves were VERY underwhelming. I’d tell you to take a look at Kufa and Melidas final battle with the masked boss so you could see how awful the art/animation got. I’m not exaggerating or making any of this up either, ALL of what I’m saying and listing off can be clearly seen. Even the day-to-day activities showed a drop in quality with the character models. Their faces especially took a HUGE drop in quality, and I sometimes could only recognize Kufa by his outfit and black hair. Unfortunately, it felt like the studio spent half their budget on the first episode because of how bad the quality got.
Storyline and Character Progression: 4.9/10
- This is where Assassins Pride failed the worst. I knew that the anime had felt a little bit rushed in the beginning, but after doing a bit of research and a few more episodes, I soon realized how bad the damage was. The studio honestly felt like it was a good idea to adapt over a DOZEN chapters of information into a single episode. While it never got this extreme again, it didn’t get any better either. The storyline was being cut so much that it was confusing to the viewers. Even I couldn’t keep up with where the storyline was even going. There were some instances where they would skip entire fight scenes and skip to the end of it, which no doubt left viewers confused and unsatisfied. In the end, the storyline was almost nonexistent and seemed to be replaced by a harem with underaged girls and a brother complex. Even these elements felt out of place (coming from someone who honestly enjoys a good harem anime) and was a poor excuse of a harem or love interest. I don’t even want to talk about character progression, since the pacing of the storyline ruined any and all hopes of having a decent connection with any of the characters. Even Kufa, who had a decent chance at becoming an interesting character, lacked impact or depth because of how quickly the storyline was progressing. Character progression felt like more of an afterthought that they added on the side of the storyline just for filler. Character interactions, especially with the villains, were as run-of-the-mill as you could get. Bad guy gives evil speech, good guy gives good speech, they throw hands for a bit, good guy almost loses, good guy turns up out of nowhere and defeats bad guy. This formula was executed in the most basic way imaginable, and when you add the mediocre action art/animation, it made this anime a pain to watch.
Soundtrack and Audio: 7.8/10
- The Saving Grace of Assassins Pride. What can I say? I really enjoyed both the OP and ED, and the OP is even in my top list of favorites. It’s really hard to screw up in this department, and even Assassins Pride wasn’t utter trash that messed this up. I didn’t really have any problems with the voice actors, since there weren’t really any emotional moments I could score them on. There wasn’t really a soundtrack present throughout the anime, so the musicality wasn’t a huge factor. Sound effects were average quality and I didn’t have any complaints here. There wasn’t any satisfying sound effects you get from other action anime, and those who’ve seen some of the Fate Series know what I’m talking about.
Just....why? This is one of the first anime I’ve experienced an utter letdown with. They had all the right tools to make a highlight of 2019 for me and add to the exciting new year. Unfortunately they fell short, miserably. It’s no surprise that it’s one of my lowest rated anime with a score of 6.1. In the end, I TRULY still want this anime to succeed. This is why I hope that this anime gets a reboot in the future so that it gets done justice. Until then, we’re stuck with one of the most cut and rushed anime I’ve seen since Tokyo Ghoul:re. Thank you so much for reading, and I’ll see you later!
Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll Limitless
75/100A hilariously bad masterpieceContinue on AniListIntroduction:
This show is bad, and by bad, I mean REALLY bad. But, it’s for that precise reason that this show is good. Assassins Pride clearly wasn't supposed to be a comedy, but I've never laughed so much at an anime before. It feels like it was written and produced by a group of angsty pre-teen redditors, and that's why I couldn’t bring myself to look away.
Just watch the first 5 minutes of the show and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. There’s this scene where the main character arrives at the campus by train and he runs into a female colleague and I swear I felt like I was watching the reenactment of some shitty matchmaker forum RP.MALE AND FEMALE CHARACTERS SAY SAME THING AT SAME TIME
“Oh my, we said the same thing.”
“Yes, what a coincidence.”
“Take my hand, milady.”
“Wow, what a gentleman.”
“It’s only natural to show a little courtesy. I wish I could escort you to your destination.”YOU SEE?! You see what I’m talking about here? I hate to break it to you writers, but unless you’re performing in an high school play, that’s NOT how people talk to each other. It doesn’t just stop there either. This show has cringe-worthy dialogue down to the letter. It’s as if the writing staff were trying to make a character-driven story, but have zero real-life experience associating with other human beings, and this abomination to social interaction was the end result.
The story follows Kufa Vampyr, and I bet you’ve already guessed that he’s secretly a vampire. You’d be correct, as it should be blindly obvious, even for blind people, but somehow this revelation is still a complete shock to everybody in the series.Anyway, so Kufa is an assassin who’s sent on a mission under the guise of tutoring the other main character, a magicless girl named Milada Angel. Get it? It’s Milada, as in “Milady”, and Angel, because she’s supposed to be the angel that changes the course of his life or something. Like I said, this show is super on the nose when it comes to naming its characters, and just about everything else really. Milada is noblewoman born from a house famous for breeding powerful magicians called Paladins, except she was born with no mana and is considered a disgrace to the family name. Kufa’s mission is to determine whether or not she has magic power and to assassinate her if it turns out she doesn’t.
However, bad boy main character Kufa simps over Milada and decides he'd rather not kill her. So, Kufa ends up to giving her some of his own magic power, which involves making out with her I might add. Unfortunately, this means Milada won’t be able to become a Paladin, since she automatically inherits Kufa’s attribute, Samurai. Apparently, Samurais are an assassination subclass in this universe, because of course an anime has to use an RPG system for combat. Welcome to 2020, ladies and gentlemen. Anyway, a noble having an assassination attribute is kind of sketchy and if anybody finds out, they’ll both be done for, so they both have to hide that information from everyone else if they want to survive.
And just in case it didn’t already feel like this was the final manifesto of some sad teenager, the first thing Milida does with her newfound power is use them to beat the shit out of her high school bully.
Kufa Vampyr is one of the most blatant male audience self-insert Gary Stu characters I’ve ever seen. It literally couldn’t be more obvious that he only exists for some loser to live vicariously through his actions. When you consider that in addition to being a badass dark swordsman, he’s also surrounded by a harem of women at a school for teenage girls, it becomes clear that this character is basically a Kirito archetype, and I’m sorry SAO fans, but that’s NOT a good thing.Laqua Madia - This girl was the first real villain of the show that eventually devolved into a tsundere side character for Kufa’s harem. She was an assassin from his guild who only speaks with fire, not because she’s mute but because she gets off on trolling her targets. She also has complicated feelings for Kufa, which ultimately lead her to stop trying to kill Milida and become a teacher at the school to be closer to him.
Rosetti Prickett – Madia isn’t the only teacher that falls for Kufa of course. Rosetti happens to be the girl Kufa was chatting with in the train scene I was talking about in the dialogue section of this review. She’s a magically-gifted former commoner who’s the youngest person to ever join the legendary Crest Legion guild. Rosetti is the personal tutor of a member of Milida’s family, Elise. She also happens to be Kufa’s adopted sister but doesn’t remember Kufa because of magic amnesia or something. This makes it slightly weird that she’s head-over-heels in love with him.
Milida Angel - Unfortunately for the other two women, Kufa Vampyr only has eyes for one girl in particular, and she’s 13-years-old. Despite being highly unethical, they have a borderline romantic relationship. In fact, Milida actually makes him pledge to wait until she’s old enough to marry him by the THIRD EPISODE. Yeah, I mean, what kind of show did you think this was?
Miscellaneous - Of course there are other girls that try make a pass at Kufa, but I don’t have the time to write about all of them. Plus, I doubt that’d be very interesting to read. Just assume every female character that enters Kufa’s orbit wants the D and you’d probably be right.
Let me make this crystal clear, I actually WANT you to watch this mess of a show. It’s so divorced from reality that’s it’s really fun to watch. People come down on it pretty hard, and for good reason I might add, but to the writers’ credit, they actually did a pretty good job making the show at least watchable. I mean, we all love a good dumpster fire every now and then.
ANIME ComedyInu x Boku SS
ANIME ActionGakusen Toshi Asterisk
ANIME ActionSword Art Online
ANIME DramaGrisaia no Kajitsu
OVA EcchiHoly Knight
ANIME ActionAkame ga Kill!
- (2.85/5)
Ended inDecember 26, 2019
Main Studio EMT Squared
Favorited by 1,100 Users
Hashtag #アサプラ